Pensioner left with fractured eye socket in row with neighbour over fence

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Saunders, 52, of Hazlerigg, has now been jailed for three years and nine months
Saunders, 52, of Hazlerigg, has now been jailed for three years and nine months

A pensioner has revealed how she was violently attacked when a row with neighbours over a fence turned ugly.

Wendy Douglas was left with a fractured eye socket, broken collar bone and broken ribs when she was attacked by Brian Saunders at her home in a dispute over a fence and an ivy bush.

Jurors at Newcastle Crown Court heard how Wendy lived next door to Saunders' parents on Newcastle's Kingston Park estate when a row broke out. Events came to a head on June 12, 2021, when Wendy started trimming a bush she claims was in her garden. She told the court her neighbour came out and began shouting at her before going back to his property, he then returned and demanded the cuttings from the plant.

Wendy, who was 68 at the time of the incident, told the court Saunders later arrived at his parents’ house and after a conversation about about putting up a new fence, he assaulted her.

Saunders, 52, of Hazlerigg, has now been jailed for three years and nine months after a jury found him guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. And today after seeing her attacker sentenced, Wendy has told of her shock at being assaulted on her own property.

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Pensioner left with fractured eye socket in row with neighbour over fenceSaunders later arrived at his parents’ house and after a conversation about about putting up a new fence he assaulted her (NCJ Media)

The 70-year-old said: "It was horrendous. I was frightened. But it all happened so fast. It was over in seconds, but it didn't seem like that. You should be safe in your home."

Wendy, who worked as a shop assistant in Fenwicks before she retired and now volunteers at the Freeman Hospital, said there had been a disagreement between herself and her neighbours after a bush from their garden began growing over her fence. But she said she never imagined the row would turn violent.

"It was just an Ivy hedge that was growing on our wood fence," she said. "It just started with a polite conversation. I just started asking. I didn't expect anything to come of that. It was just a bit of a disagreement. Then we just stopped speaking because it was getting nowhere.

"It was totally out of the blue. I have never spoken to him before. I thought it would be a bit verbal. I would never have imagined it would turn to violence. I'm still friends with the neighbours from the first house I have ever lived in from the 70s. I have never had bad neighbours before."

Pensioner left with fractured eye socket in row with neighbour over fenceSaunders subjected the victim to a “vicious and sustained attack” and then “walked off" (NCJ Media)

Robin Patton, prosecuting, told the court during sentencing that Saunders subjected the victim to a “vicious and sustained attack” and then “walked off, leaving her badly injured and covered in blood”. In addition to the prison sentence, Judge Sarah Mallett imposed a restraining order that prohibits Saunders from communicating with Wendy directly or indirectly for 10 years. He is also prevented from attending the victim’s address for 10 years, although he is allowed to visit his parent’s address next door when he is released from prison.

Judge Mallett said: “You are 52 years of age and have no relevant offending history. You are to be sentenced for the extremely serious offence of grievous bodily harm with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. At about 12.30pm on June 12, 2021, following a dispute between your father and Wendy Douglas about plants growing on the border between the two gardens, you approached Wendy Douglas to discuss the matter. She did not want to engage in any discussion with you – and you saw red.

“You ran at her and knocked her out of her chair with a punch. You knelt on her chest and, with both hands around her neck, you pinned her there and then punched her to the face again. She said, ‘I have got you now,’ and then you continued to punch her and then shouted, ‘I’m sick of this,’ and told her to, ‘Get it sorted.’ There were neighbours who heard screaming.”

Judge Mallet continued: “[Wendy Douglas] said at the time she thought she was going to die from strangulation. She was a 68-year-old female on her own at home and was seated [at the time.]”

Wendy faced a long wait to see her attacker sentenced. But she was relieved to finally see Saunders jailed. "It's ridiculous, but thank god it's all over now," she said, "It's been a long wait for my day in court. I'm just pleased it's all over now. I always wanted my day in court.

Georgia Diebelius

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