'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'

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Mark says he lost weight playing sports with his kids (Image: Tom Maddick SWNS)
Mark says he lost weight playing sports with his kids (Image: Tom Maddick SWNS)

A dad has told how he now plans to pursue his dreams of becoming a professional singer after losing 9st 2lbs and being crowned Slimming World's Mr Sleek 2024.

Mark Marsden, from Sheffield, weighed 23st when he started his journey. When Mark was at his heaviest he said he never had to confidence to sing on stage, but after losing the weight he now hopes to change that.

After joining Slimming World and following a workout plan, he now weighs 14st 7lbs. The Yorkshireman started gaining weight while at primary school, and despite it not causing him too many issues growing up, as he got older, it began to take its toll, not just on his physical health but his mental well-being as well.

'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream' eiqkiqtuiqttinvMark is from Aston, South Yorkshire (Mark Marsden / SWNS)
'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'Mark says he used to weigh 26st 7lb (Mark Marsden / SWNS)

He explained: “I’d been a big lad ever since I was about nine years old, so it was normal for me – although I was always aware that my weight held me back. As I got older, I was slow, sluggish and had pain in my feet, legs and back all the time. I struggled to get up on time in the morning because everything was so much effort, so I was always late, and even that was down to my weight.

“I’ve always loved singing, so alongside my day job as a car body repairer and painter, I sang at parties, weddings and other events. I had zero confidence, though, and would constantly be fidgeting and adjusting my clothes because I felt so uncomfortable on stage. I felt like people only saw my weight rather than hearing my voice.”

Mum loses nearly 5st and runs marathon after ditching takeaways and ready mealsMum loses nearly 5st and runs marathon after ditching takeaways and ready meals
'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'Mark lost an incredible 9st 2lbs (Slimming World / SWNS)
'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'Mark Marsden is now going to pursue his dream to be a professional singer (Slimming World / SWNS)

However, it wasn't until an awkward experience at the funfair with his children, Riley, 11 and Amelia, five, in 2021, that he realised he needed to make a change. He explained: “I’d been off work for a while with a bad back injury – I was bed-ridden and relied on my family to look after me. I was just starting to get some mobility back when the kids asked me to take them on a ride at the fair. But the safety bar wouldn’t close, and three staff had to try to push the bar down with a crowd of people watching. In the end, we all got off the ride – I felt as though the kids were embarrassed by me. I vowed to never feel like that again.”

'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'Mark says after losing the weight he has never felt better (Slimming World / SWNS)

‌Knowing it was time to take the plunge, a brave Mark, walked through the doors of his local Slimming World group, and never looked back. He beamed: “I’d heard a bit about Slimming World and knew that it was about eating proper food, so it sounded like a good fit. I thought the group would be full of women and older people, so I was quite surprised to find that I wasn’t the only man there and at how welcome I was made to feel."

However, switching his evening meal from a takeaway pineapple pizza, curly fries and a cheesecake to a homemade beef burger (made with 5 per cent fat mince) served in a wholemeal roll with Slimming World sweet potato fries and a large salad was anything but easy. Luckily, he had his adoring girlfriend, Stacey Bradley, 35, by his side, to help him when times got tough.

'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'Mark is wowing fans with his voice (Mark Marsden / SWNS)
'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'Mark also used Slimming World to achieve his results (Mark Marsden / SWNS)

He said: "From that first day in the group, everyone, including my Consultant Caroline, was so supportive. She helped me to realise where my excess calories were coming from, and I noticed that I was making unhealthy decisions when I was hungry and in a rush. I started planning my meals, and the other members of the group gave me ideas for packed lunches for work so I wasn’t grabbing something on the go. In my first week, I lost 16lbs.

“Stacey was supportive too, and she was happy for us to adapt our evening meals so that they fit within the plan – Slimming World burgers with sweet potato fries is one of our favourites. It’s real food, so I never feel like I’m on a diet.” Utilising Slimming World's physical activity support programme, Mark discovered weightlifting.

'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'Mark playing football with his dad (Tom Maddick SWNS)

The father asserted: “As the weight started to come off, I found that I had loads more energy. Instead of sleeping through my alarm in the mornings, I was waking up feeling rested and ready for the day. Weight training appealed to me because I knew it would help me to strengthen my back and avoid becoming injured again. I never would have set foot in a gym when I was heavier, though, so it’s completely different from before. The kids love it when we do active things as a family now too, like running around at soft play together and visiting theme parks, as it’s something we didn’t do when I was bigger.”

In the best shape of his life, Mark is having a great time playing football with his kids, as well as signing and DJing. In addition, he's opened a cafe with Stacey and has various healthy options on the menu to help others in his situation.

'I shed 9 stone after horrifying incident at fair - now I can follow my dream'A before and after of Mark (Mark Marsden / SWNS)

He said: “We have a healthier menu at the café for anyone who wants to opt for a lighter option, and it’s proving popular. There’s no way I would have thought to do that before losing weight myself.

“I also have a lot more confidence for my singing gigs. I take opportunities I’d have turned down before and enjoy performing so much more because I know nobody it is talking about my weight – just how I sound. Music is something I’m passionate about, so I now feel ready to chase my dreams and sing as much as I can. The only problem is it feels so good to walk into a shop and know something will fit me that I end up buying a new suit before every show!”

James Sweetnam

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