Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updates

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Triple killer sentenced as family say police have
Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updates

A “brutal” killer who stabbed to death three people discovered his fate at a sentencing hearing in Nottingham - but a victim's family say he "got away with murder".

Valdo Calocane, 32, stabbed students Barnaby Webber and Grace O'Malley-Kumar, both 19, and school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, to death with a dagger in Nottingham in the early hours of last June 13. He then deliberately drove a van stolen from Mr Coates before being arrested.

The killer, a graduate of the University of Nottingham, was sentenced on Thursday (January 25) at Nottingham Crown Court to an indefinite high security hospital order after admitting the manslaughter of the three victims by reason of diminished responsibility. He also admitted three counts of attempted murder relating to pedestrians he deliberately targeted with the van. After sentencing, the families of the three victims criticised the actions of police and the Crown Prosecution Service, claiming justice had "not been served".

Speaking outside court after sentencing, Barnaby's mother Emma said: "We trusted in our system, foolishly as it turns out. We do not dispute the murderer is mentally unwell and has been for a number of years. However the pre-mediated planning, the collection of lethal weapons, hiding in the shadows and brutality of the attacks are that of an individual who knew exactly what he was doing. He knew entirely it was wrong but he did it anyway."

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Nottingham's three MPs say vital questions need answers

Nottingham's three MPs say they are concerned by criticisms of the police investigation into the Nottingham attacks and the "missed opportunities" to stop killer Valdo Calocane.

After the sentencing, a joint statement from Nottingham's three Labour MPs, Nadia Whittome, Alex Norris and Lilian Greenwood, expressed alarm over the concerns raised by the victim's loved ones. "In the years and months before his attacks, Calocane had numerous interactions with mental health services and the police.

"This raises serious questions about missed opportunities that could have prevented him from committing these horrific acts. It is of the utmost importance that lessons are learnt to reduce the chances of something similar ever happening again in Nottingham or anywhere else.

"The inquest that was opened and adjourned should be the first step in the process of answering these vital questions. We are concerned by the criticisms they [the victims' families] have raised of the police investigation, and in particular by their treatment by the CPS during this case."

Neighbours still unable to sleep after killings

Two woman have shared their horrific recollections of the moments Grace and Barnaby were senselessly killed, by Valdo Calocane, minutes away from their student accommodation.

"It happened in front of my house, it happened right here," says one neighbour, who wished to keep her identity private. "Even though I didn't know them, I really feel very bad grief."

"I couldn't sleep and I have to take medicine. I thought I was getting better, but then I started seeing all the news about the sentencing on TV and I had to relive the whole thing. It's devastating," the woman added, visibly disturbed and her voice shaking.

Read Rucsandra Moldoveanu's story for Nottinghamshire Live here

Disabled woman paralysed after falling from wheelchair on plane walkway diesDisabled woman paralysed after falling from wheelchair on plane walkway dies

This man has "got away with murder"

Speaking outside court after Valdo Calocane’s sentencing, caretaker Ian Coates' son James called for the services and organisations involved to be made accountable for failings in the case.

He said: “My family has suffered a great loss. The children who my father had a positive impression on have suffered a great loss. The city of Nottingham has suffered a great loss. The failures from the police, the CPS, the health service have resulted in the murder of my father and these two innocent students.

“The NHS mental health trusts have to be held accountable for their failures along with the police. All we can do is hope that in due course some sort of justice will be served.

"This man has made a mockery of the system and he has got away with murder.”

Moment mystery hero saved lives by pushing Calocane from window ledge

The shocking moment an unknown hero saved countless lives by pushing knifeman Valdo Calocane from a window was caught on CCTV.

After killing the two university students, he made his way to a residential hostel. Minutes later he was captured on CCTV trying to force his way into the hostel through a ground-floor window. Calocane can be seen climbing on the ledge and trying to haul himself up and in.

However, before he could gain entry and continue his stabbing spree, he was stopped by an unknown hero who shoved him back down.

The discouraged killer walked away and, ten minutes later, attacked and killed his third victim, Mr Coates.

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updates (Nottinghamshire Police )

Nottinghamshire Police describes crimes as 'darkest day' for city

Nottinghamshire Police has shared its own reaction to the sentencing.

Assistant Chief Constable Rob Griffin said: “The devastating impact the events of 13 June have had and continue to have for the families of those killed and those who survived these dreadful attacks are immeasurable. Today, my thoughts remain with the loved ones of each of the victims and those who continue to be affected by this tragedy.

"The attacks were utterly senseless and resulted in the loss of life for three entirely innocent people. We will never forget those whose lives were so cruelly taken, or those who survived the attacks.”

Detective Superintendent Leigh Sanders, who led the investigation, added: The savage attacks were terrifying not only for the victims but also for those who witnessed them – and I’d like to thank those who reported incidents or came forward with vital information. It was also a very unnerving day for people living or working in Nottingham, who woke to find large parts of the city cordoned off while we investigated the deeply disturbing events.

“I’d like to thank the public for their patience and support while we gathered all the evidence. This was one of the darkest days for our city and my thoughts remain with all those affected by these horrific crimes.”

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updates (Joseph Raynor/ Nottingham Post)

Crown Prosecution Service defends accepting Calocane's manslaughter pleas

The Crown Prosecution Service has defended its acceptance of Calocane’s manslaughter pleas, saying the medical evidence was “overwhelming”

Janine McKinney said they accepted the plea after looking at the analysis, adding: “Valdo Calocane’s actions that morning sent shockwaves through our entire community. He left three bereaved families devastated by grief and others with life-changing physical and emotional injuries.

“These were savage, ferocious attacks against entirely innocent people who had no way of defending themselves. His pleas to manslaughter were only accepted after very careful analysis of the evidence.

“We reached this conclusion because the expert medical evidence was overwhelming; namely that his actions were substantially impaired by psychosis resulting from paranoid schizophrenia.”

Calocane ''has 'got away with murder' says victim's son

The son of victim Ian Coates says Calocane has “got away with murder” after today’s sentencing.

Joining the other families speaking outside court, James Coates described the law as a “cautionary tale” after his father’s killer dodged jail. Blaming police, the CPS and the health service for his father’s death, he said: "If this man was not stopped when he was, this could have been one of the most catastrophic attacks this country has ever seen

“This man is a killer - murder was the only thing he cared about and he fulfilled this in horrific fashion. All we can hope is in due course some sort of justice will be served.”

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updates (Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

'Our daughter was a gift to us and the country'

The family of murdered student Grace O'Malley-Kumar says there were “missed opportunities” which could have saved her life.

Speaking outside court Dr Sanjoy Kumar, Grace’s father, described his daughter as a “gift to us, and the country”.

He told waiting reporters the victims’ families had been through “absolute hell” in the last few days and there had been opportunities missed to “divert [Calocane's] lethal calls” which would always remain with them.

He added: “We will look for answers regarding missed opportunities to intervene and prevent this horrendous crime.”

Dr Kumar said the families will now regroup now sentencing has been passed.

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updates

Devastated victim's mother Emma Webber's full statement after sentencing

In a statement read on the court steps after sentencing, mother Emma Webber said: "We as a devastated family have been let down by multiple agency failings and ineffectiveness. The CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) did not consult us as has been reported - instead we have been rushed, hastened and railroaded.

"We were presented with a fait accompli that the decision had been made to accept manslaughter charges. At no point during the previous five-and-a-half-months were we given any indication that this could conclude in anything other than murder.

"We trusted in our system, foolishly as it turns out. We do not dispute the murderer is mentally unwell and has been for a number of years.

"However the pre-mediated planning, the collection of lethal weapons, hiding in the shadows and brutality of the attacks are that of an individual who knew exactly what he was doing. He knew entirely it was wrong but he did it anyway."

Nottinghamshire Police has 'blood on its hands' over deaths, says victim's mother

The mother of victim Barnaby Webber says Rob Griffin, assistant chief constable of Nottinghamshire Police, has "blood on his hands" over her son’s death.

Speaking outside court, Emma Webber said “true justice had not been served” after today’s sentencing. She said of Mr Griffin: “If you had just done your job properly, there's a very good chance my beautiful boy would be alive today.

“Our darling son, his dear friend Grace, and a wonderfully kind grandfather, Ian, have been stolen from us for ever and let down by the very system that should have been protecting them.”

Describing Calocane as a monster, she added: “Our darling son, his dear friend Grace and a wonderful grandfather Ian have been stolen from us.”

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updatesEmma Webber speaking outside court this afternoon (PA)

Police bodycam captures moment Calocane was Tasered after killing spree

The moment triple killer Valdo Calocane’s rampage through Nottingham was brought to a halt by brave cops with a Taser was caught on an officer’s bodycam.

The paranoid schizophrenic was tackled as he sat in his third victim’s stolen van after mowing down innocent pedestrians. Police released the dramatic footage after Calocane, 32, was sentenced for the horror attacks.

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updates (Nottinghamshire Police )

Calocane showed no emotion as he sentence was passed

After sentencing was passed, Valdo Calocane stood with his hands at his side and showed no emotion as he looked towards the judge.

He at first attempted to sit back in his seat but was led away to the cells by those around him - believed to be staff from the psychiatric hospital.

Despite the emotion of the trial there was no reaction from those in court.

999 caller's three-word warning to police after students killed

Earlier in the trial, the jury were played a harrowing plea to police after the two students were killed.

Calocane had been "hiding in the shadows” waiting for Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19. The university students had been on their way home, after an end-of-term night out when they were attacked.

The words of the 999 caller were caught on tape and played to the court.

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'If you went to prison you would be a danger to prisoners and officers'

Sentencing Calocane to an indefinite hospital order, the judge explained a jail sentence would have put those also behind bars in danger.

He told the court: "In the unlikely event of you being released I mustconsider which regime will provide the greatest protection for the public. If you went to prison you would present a real danger to prison officers and other prisoners alike and I am satisfied the appropriate disposal is a hospital order."

'Dangerous' Valdo Calocane handed indefinite high-security hospital order

'Your sickening crimes both shocked the nation and wrecked the lives of your surviving victims'

Mr Justice Turner has told the killer he will be detained in a high-security hospital "very probably for the rest of your life".

He said in court: “You committed a series of atrocities in this city which ended the lives of three people in this city. Your sickening crimes both shocked the nation and wrecked the lives of your surviving victims and the families of them all."

'You have sentenced them to a life of grief and pain'

Addressing the court, the judge told Calocane the impact his crimes had on his victims' families.

He told him: "You have sentenced them all to a life of grief and pain.

"There was never any doubt it was you who had committed these appalling crimes. It soon became clear, however, the central issue in this case would relate to whether at the time of committing these offences you were suffering from symptoms of severe mental disorder."

Son of victim Ian Coates applauded after impromptu court address

Proceedings are underway

Judge Mr Justice Turner is currently going through the crimes Calocane commited on June 13 last year.

Follow live proceedings on our live stream

A live stream of sentencing proceedings from Nottingham Crown Court will begin at around 11.30am on this page.

Grace O’Malley-Kumar's family hold hands as they arrive at court

The family of Grace O’Malley-Kumar gripped hands as they arrived for today's sentencing hearing in Nottingham.

Grace O'Malley-Kumar's father, Dr Sanjoy Kumar, mother Sinead and brother James walked into court a short while ago.

Proceedings are set to get underway in around 15 minutes' time.

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updatesGrace O'Malley-Kumar's father, Dr Sanjoy Kumar, and brother, James O'Malley-Kumar and her mother Sinead O'Malley (Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

Family of victim Barnarby Webber arrive at court

The family of Barnaby Webber, a 19-year-old victim, have arrived at Nottingham Crown Court.

Barnaby's father David Webber, mother Emma Webber and brother Charlie Webber are set to take their seats in court for today's sentencing.

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updatesDavid Webber, Emma Webber and Charlie Webber arriving for today's sentencing (PA)

What sentencing options are open to the judge?

He also admitted three counts of attempted murder relating to pedestrians he deliberately targeted with a van he had stolen from Mr Coates.

As a result, Judge Mr Justice Turner will decide between imposing a "hybrid" life sentence with a hospital direction or a hospital order under the Mental Health Act.

Valdo Calocane is 'the most evil person on the planet' says victim's son

Calocane stabbed students Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, and school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, to death with a dagger last June.

Ahead of today's sentencing, Mr Coates' son James said he feels “hatred” towards his father’s killer. He told the BBC: “He is, to me, the most evil person on this planet. He went out and brutally massacred three people and then attempted to kill another three, but luckily he was caught.”

Read more here

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updatesIan Coates was murdered in the attack in June

Valdo Calocane set to be sentenced at 11.30am

Good morning and welcome to today's live blog.

In around an hour's time we are expecting the sentencing of Valdo Calocane. Follow on for the latest in the courtroom.

Triple killer sentenced as family say police have 'blood on hands' - updatesValdo Calocane is set to be sentenced this morning (PA)

Kelly-Ann Mills

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