'I built myself a canoe to paddle down the Amazon and got kidnapped by pirates'

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Michael Golodok canoed down the Amazon (Image: Michael Golodok)
Michael Golodok canoed down the Amazon (Image: Michael Golodok)

When Michael Golodok is at home, he is a warehouse worker in Siberia. He enjoys the physical nature of the work as it allows him to focus his thoughts on his true passion - adventuring.

In a world in which communities compete to see who can go to the most countries, find the most cut off spot and tread on previous untrod ground, the 29-year-old's intrepid feats manage to stand out.

He recently completed a solo trip down the largest river in the world by himself, in a canoe he helped build. Along the way Michael encountered deadly snakes and spiders as he slept alone in his boat at night, nearly drowned when his vessel sank and narrowly survived a run-in with river pirates.

"I couldn't take anyone else on the trip as I knew how dangerous it could be. Also, I am used to relying only on myself and understanding how to behave in emergency situations," Michael told the Mirror, explaining that the presence of a guide would "destroy the spirit of the trip".

'I built myself a canoe to paddle down the Amazon and got kidnapped by pirates' eiqduideidhinvLocals warned Michael of electric eels (Michael Golodok)

"For me, travelling is first and foremost about exploration, and what better way to do this than to be alone with yourself and nature on a canoe in the middle of the most incredible river in the world?"

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Michael's journey began in 2022 when he flew from his home in Krasnoyarsk to South America where he made his way round the east, south and west coasts over six months, learning Spanish along the way, before arriving at the Ucayali River - where the Amazon begins.

There, in the eastern Peruvian city of Pucallpa, he employed a team of people for $120 (approx £94) to help him build a 3.5m long canoe big enough to hold all of his gear. A gas burner, water filter, first aid kit, power bank, emergency pack-raft and ukulele were among the essentials he packed in the craft before launching himself into the water.

Once he took the initial plunge and cast off from Pucallpa, Michael had no real means of turning back. It was just him, water that was powering his canoe along at 7.5mph, and 700 miles of river in front of him before the nearest city.

"I was scared because I couldn't know what to expect from the Amazon," the explorer said of the moment he first saw the river. "I felt an inexplicable feeling of inner freedom. Once on the river, you lose some control over what is happening, but gain the opportunity to experience every moment. Time flows differently."

'I built myself a canoe to paddle down the Amazon and got kidnapped by pirates'He paddled more than 2,000 miles down the Amazon (Michael Golodok)

Michael had to scrap his plans to sleep in a hammock covered by a mosquito net as the wet season dragged on, flooding the banks. Instead he adjusted his canoe so it could be slept in, hacking down reeds with a machete to build an awning for the vessel.

On his 39th night in the Amazon at 2am the Russian was fast asleep in his canoe when a "huge private yacht the likes of which (he) had never seen before" passed by. "A huge wave arose that tore my canoe from the shore, the tree to which it was tied broke from the jerk, and as a result of the impact of the wave on the side, it sank," Michael said.

"The taste of the Amazonian water and sand on your teeth. Unforgettable." After three and a half hours of bailing water and retrieving those sunken possessions which hadn't already floated down the river, the intrepid rower set off, full of enthusiasm at having been momentarily shipwrecked and having a new anecdote to tell.

'I built myself a canoe to paddle down the Amazon and got kidnapped by pirates'He enjoyed meeting some eight legged critters along the way (Michael Golodok)

Even the vast numbers of creepy crawlies, ferocious fish, constricting snakes hanging in the trees, veracious mosquitos, 5m crocodiles and spiders bigger than your hand were not enough to put Michael off his 2,800 mile journey. Nor did the electric eels he met along the way, which wary locals warned had a habit of zapping people into unconscious states until they slipped under the water.

The one thing that almost did, and the thing whose possibility had hung over him threateningly for a journey filled with countless warnings from people he'd met along the way, was a pirate attack.

Michael was immediately scared when he heard a motor start in the jungle. A moment later a boat holding four men appeared, speeding towards him. The men came close and asked what he was doing, to which the adventurer described his journey, explaining how he was living hand to mouth on the river, fishing for his dinner and exploring the forest. They wished him well and went on their way.

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Five minutes later, they returned. "I noticed one of the guys in the bow. Then I understood. These guys are pirates. The guy took out a submachine gun and pointed it at me, two more behind him took out smoothbore guns."

'I built myself a canoe to paddle down the Amazon and got kidnapped by pirates'The river is full of intriguing fish (Michael Golodok)

Michael was taken to the shore and bundled out, his jacket thrown over his head. At gunpoint he helped the pirates strip his canoe, reassuring them the $30 (£23) they found was all he had, despite their disbelief that he would have so little. He was eventually tossed back in the boat and told to go.

Not only did the surprisingly generous pirates leave Michael with a machete, a boat and some food, they called him back as he paddled away to return some of the money they'd stolen in case he needed it down river. "I cannot express in words the emotions that I felt then, something terribly scary but at the same time incredible," he said.

One sadness Michael felt at the end of his trip, 400 miles down the river from his pirate encounter, was towards the future of the rainforest. Many times he saw crews of men stacking logs onto ships while the sound of buzzing chainsaws accompanied him during much of his time on the water. The river bank was devoid of old trees in many places, their place by the water taken up by stumps or new monoculture crops.

In the future he hopes to travel to Melanesia to explore the Pacific Ocean and islands there. In the meantime, Michael is back working in the warehouse, working out how to write a book about his epic adventure. You can follow his trips including the Amazon journey on his Youtube channel, Got1Try.

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Milo Boyd

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