'Harry Kane shows the era when kids were ignored or told to shut it is over'

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Kids should be encouraged to get help instead of suffering in silence
Kids should be encouraged to get help instead of suffering in silence

Harry Kane speaking up for children and young people with mental health issues gives them a fresh and important voice.

The England men’s football captain and record scorer’s support for the Daily Mirror-backed Here4You campaign will encourage some to talk about how they’re feeling and seek help, instead of suffering in silence.

When figures suggest as many as one-in-every-five may have a problem, a near doubling from the one-in-nine recorded in 2017, mental health is an issue we must all take seriously. If we are not in that expanding group we are almost certainly going to know somebody who is.

Harry, now scoring goals for fun in Germany with Bayern Munich, is honest about he is fortunate to have family, friends and teammates giving emotional stability and support. Not everybody, as he acknowledges, is as lucky.

At least the cruel era when young people were ignored or told to shut up is going.

Teachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade qhiddrituitzinvTeachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade

The film to be screened in schools later this month will hopefully be part of the answer.

MMR jab safe

Memories have faded of the times that measles let rip, marring many lives.

Vaccinations effectively beat the disease – which is why the surge in cases is ringing alarm bells. Parents and carers concerned about jabs should speak to their GP rather than reading baseless, scaremongering accounts on the internet or listening to ignorant anti-vaxxers with sick political agendas.

The MMR combined vaccine – measles, mumps and rubella – is tried, tested and safe which is why we urge everybody to heed the UK Health Security Agency’s plea.

Leaving a child at the mercy of the virus is to gamble with their health.

Stormy times

Widespread across much of the UK, Storm Isha’s destructive gusts of up to 100mph will have unleashed havoc.

So with more wild weather to come please, stay safe and keep an eye out for neighbours.

Voice of the Mirror

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