'I'm a mum-of-two but that doesn't stop me taking solo trips around the world'

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Colleen Smith has started exploring the world following her divorce (Image: Supplied)
Colleen Smith has started exploring the world following her divorce (Image: Supplied)

A mum-of-two leaves her kids with their dad to travel the world solo.

When Colleen Smith was with her ex-husband, the most adventurous their holidays got were all-inclusive trips to Spain and Portugal. That all changed when the then housewife decided to throw caution to the wind and head on a solo trip to Finland.

"Before my divorce we went on your typical Spanish and Portuguese all inclusive style holidays. They are lovely holidays but it's not how I always wanted to travel and experience the world," the now 37-year-old told the Mirror.

"Then I went to Finland alone, hiking with a different adventure travel company before I discovered WeRoad. And being away made me reflect on my marriage and how I want to live my life and what I'm capable of. When I came back from Finland that's when I ended my marriage."

'I'm a mum-of-two but that doesn't stop me taking solo trips around the world' qhiqhhiquridzkinvThe 37-year-old is looking forward to some big trips this year (Supplied)

While being separated meant more pressure on her time and finances, Colleen was determined to keep exploring. In the past two years following her divorce she has travelled to Portugal, Spain, Morocco and Peru on group tours organised by WeRoad, with a big trip to Kenya lined up. She also hopes to explore Chile and South Africa this year.

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She says that travelling by herself while her children, aged eight and five are cared for by their dad, is liberating. When the mum is away she looks forward to the quality time she spends with them when she's back.

Colleen, who lives in County Durham and runs a dog grooming business, said: "Travelling on my own within the safety of an organised tour has given me so much independence and confidence."

"As a girl I was told I couldn't travel alone, that it wasn't safe. So I settled down and I had this life as a housewife but I was home while I saw my partner getting to do all the things he wanted. Now I have the opportunity, space and freedom to make choices to fill my own cup. I cried when I stood at the top of Rainbow Mountain in Peru because I thought 'I got here, I've done it'."

'I'm a mum-of-two but that doesn't stop me taking solo trips around the world'Colleen has done a lot of travelling since her divorce (Supplied)
'I'm a mum-of-two but that doesn't stop me taking solo trips around the world'The businesswoman has gone on big trips with a holiday group (Supplied)

Colleen and her ex share their childcare 50/50, with her parents helping to fill in any gaps, so she picks holidays that don't fall on her days with the children. She continued: "I love them beyond belief and I hope it gives them the confidence to follow their dreams. There is a lot of organisation in the lead up to doing a trip, I like to book with six months to go.

"As a mum you are resilient and adaptable and I have definitely used those skills on WeRoad trips to gel with other people on the tour. On my own I would probably only go to destinations like Spain in Europe, where I'd feel less daunted.

"When it comes to adventuring I like to put myself in WeRoad's hands. They take on the mental labour of planning excursions and activities too. To me it is more exciting to do very little research and be shown all the amazing sites by the coordinator and experience them for the first time."

Colleen is a big advocate of women heading off on holidays by themselves if they're in a position to do so. "I'd encourage lots of women to go on solo trips because I think you learn a lot about who you are in those kinds of situations," she said.

"As a lone woman travelling people seem shocked when you say you are going by yourself but a lot of people go to university on their own at 18 and live with random people so what's the actual difference?

"The experience of solo travel is very beneficial for women. It would empower them, it certainly empowered me. You're not just somebody's mum and you are back to being just your original self and you can be authentically who you are on the trips."

In the future, when they are a little older, Colleen hopes to bring her children along with her on holiday.

'I don't want children staying up late at weekends - I really need adult time''I don't want children staying up late at weekends - I really need adult time'

"The kids do want to come away with me and that's something I am getting more confident with. We've been to Spain as a three but I want to head further afield. The experiences I've had of going to different countries alone and booking my flights separately is giving me the problem solving skills to perhaps take the children on less of a package deal," the mum said.

"I'm looking into going to Austria with them and I'll book all the elements myself with flights and hiring a car and booking airbnbs. It is a safe destination but different and a cultural experience - unlike our usual pool side breaks. I want to share my more adventurous side with them."

Find out more at weroad.co.uk.

Milo Boyd

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