'Slimming World helped us shed 17stone - and we can eat whatever we want'

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Kirsty Doran lost more than six stone (Image: DAILY MIRROR)
Kirsty Doran lost more than six stone (Image: DAILY MIRROR)

Having busy lives and jobs didn’t stop these three successful slimmers from losing weight with Slimming World

I love the freedom that losing the weight has given me

Kirsty Doran, 38, lives in Cockermouth, Cumbria. She is a healthcare assistant in a busy A&E department and a mum of two

As I tugged uncomfortably at my scrubs during my first shift in the A&E department, I felt a creeping sense of shame wash over me. I was too embarrassed to ask for a bigger size so I spent the whole 12-hour shift feeling like I could barely breathe. And that wasn’t the only problem – after being on my feet for all that time I was aching all over and had no energy at all.

I’d been uncomfortable with my size for most of my adult life. After recently recovering from two major surgeries, I’d become very inactive. I found myself comfort eating and ended up gaining even more weight.

'Slimming World helped us shed 17stone - and we can eat whatever we want' qhiddeireiqddinvKirsty Doran, 38 lives in Cumbria. She is a health care assistant in a busy A&E department (DAILY MIRROR)

I developed severe anxiety about leaving the house and I also suffered from chronic back pain. The weight was taking a toll both mentally and physically and, after that shift at the hospital, I knew I couldn’t carry on the way I was. I’d been to Slimming World before after having my two children, now 10 and 17. I knew it worked but I wasn’t in the right frame of mind then. I think my success this time stems from a change in my mindset and a determination to put myself first.

Mum loses nearly 5st and runs marathon after ditching takeaways and ready mealsMum loses nearly 5st and runs marathon after ditching takeaways and ready meals

Even though I was determined, I was still embarrassed the first time I walked through the doors of my new Slimming World group. I remember heading to the back and not wanting to talk to anyone. My embarrassment soon melted away as they welcomed me with open arms and helped me every step of my weight-loss journey. I can honestly say that my Consultant, Vicky, and the members of that group have now become like a family to me.

I loved that I didn’t have to stop eating all the foods I enjoyed, instead I learned how to cook things differently – like switching oil for low-calorie cooking spray. I also started planning my meals for the week in advance so I knew I could keep track of what I was eating, especially when I was on shift at work. As I lost weight my back pain eased, and I started to become more active. Living in the Lake District means I have beautiful walks right on my doorstep, so I decided to start fell walking and my aim is to complete all 214 of the Wainwright Fells. I’ve completed 55 already.

Losing weight has given me a life I never had before. I love the freedom of being able to move without pain and just how good I feel when I do. I’m happier in myself and most importantly, I’m able to really enjoy the time I have with my children. Now that I’m not totally wiped out after a busy shift at work, I can put more time and focus into being the mum I really want to be. That means the world to me.

Kirsty's statistics

Height: 5ft 5in

Starting weight: 17st 3lb

Weight now: 10st 4lb

Weight loss: 6st 13lb

I've now lost three stone and my confidence has soared

Sophie Cowgill, 32, lives in Burnley, Lancs. She is a Slimming World Consultant, works for a property management company and has an online business selling vintage jewellery

As I sat in the doctor’s surgery, I could feel myself reeling. I nodded along with what the doctor was saying, trying not to let on my heart was pounding with worry. My BMI was high, and I was at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. How could this be happening? I was only 28.

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Although that moment with my doctor was uncomfortable, I’ll never regret making that appointment as it was the kickstart I needed to change my life. It made me think seriously about how my weight was affecting me day to day.

I hadn’t liked looking at my reflection in the mirror for some time and I was feeling low about my body image. I was young and should have been having the time of my life, yet I’d stopped posting selfies on social media and I was spending more and more time at home. Needless to say, my love life was non-existent.

Not knowing much about the best way to lose weight, I joined a gym and started workouts on Instagram. I ended up losing 10lb in a year, a good start, but I felt frustrated by the slow progress.

I’d become more active, which was great, yet I hadn’t really addressed my eating habits. I knew I needed some help, so I researched healthy eating plans and decided to give Slimming World a try. Being surrounded by like-minded people was amazing and I soon loved the support and encouragement of the other group members.

The food I was eating was amazing too. I’m a self-confessed foodie, so I was over the moon to discover there were no special diet foods. Instead, I enjoyed hearty, filling meals like burger and chips, chicken curry and lasagne. I lost three stone and dropped three dress sizes. My confidence was soaring. In fact, the thing I wanted to do most was to become a Slimming World Consultant.

I wanted to inspire other people to feel the way I did and achieve their weight-loss dreams. I’ve been a Consultant for four years and I still get the same buzz from helping others. It’s a hugely rewarding role that gives me the chance work flexible hours to suit my lifestyle.

Sophie's statistics

Height: 5ft 4½in

Starting weight: 12st 1lb

Weight now: 9st 1lb

Weight loss: 3st

These days my life is full of new adventures

Bethany Barrett, 23, lives in Hertfordshire. She is a council officer who delivers projects for children, young people and vulnerable families

As I mixed up another diet shake bottle, I sighed. I was starving and wondered if I’d be able to stay on track with my latest crazy diet when I went to my friend’s house for dinner later that evening.

I had always struggled with my weight, and it felt like a huge barrier. Clothes never seemed to fit me properly so instead of choosing styles and colours I liked I just hid in shapeless, baggy outfits. I loved to travel, yet the thought of squeezing into plane seats put me off booking trips.

Feeling down about my size and confused about the best way to lose weight, I visited my doctor. It wasn’t easy to go in and discuss my weight, but I knew I couldn’t keep going the way I was.

'Slimming World helped us shed 17stone - and we can eat whatever we want'Bethany Barrett, 23, lives in Herefordshire. She is a council offer delivering projects for children, young people and vulnerable families (DAILY MIRROR)

I was expecting to be referred for a gym membership – instead my GP offered me a referral to Slimming World. It wasn’t something I’d considered before, but I had nothing to lose so I nervously went along to my local group.

My previous weight-loss attempts had been super restrictive, so I couldn’t believe how varied and flexible the plan was. It was a completely different way of losing weight which meant I never had to go hungry or miss out – I was hooked.

Even though I was still enjoying amazing food like katsu curry, pulled pork with coleslaw and burgers and fries – I was losing weight. The support of the group was amazing and made me realise other people struggled too. My weight had often made me feel like the odd one out and, for the first time in my life, I didn’t feel so alone.

The group even taught me how to navigate eating out when losing weight, so I could still enjoy meals with my friends without worrying about falling off track, as I had previously.

In fact, one week I ate out three times and still lost 2.5lb. I was armed with a newfound knowledge when it came to food and the best choices for me.

As I lost weight, I found that I had so much more energy, so last January I decided to take part in a walking challenge, aiming to walk 50 miles throughout the month.

I was so pleased to achieve this goal and it left me feeling like I could do something more.

A few months later I was climbing Mount Snowdon on a family holiday. I would never have been able to complete such a hike before. Afterwards we celebrated with a relaxing soak in our holiday cottage hot tub and for the first time ever I wasn’t worried about wearing a swimsuit.

It dawned on me my outlook had changed. My life is so full of adventure and I can’t wait for more.

Bethany's statistics

Height: 5ft 7½in

Starting weight: 18st 7lb

Weight now: 11st 4lb

Weight loss: 7st 3lb

Mernie Gilmore

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