'My husband ruined fancy Christmas party by bringing Bud Light - I'm humiliated'

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The Christmas party had more than enough booze but one guest decided he needed more (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images)
The Christmas party had more than enough booze but one guest decided he needed more (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images)

Throwing a party can be very stressful and expensive, especially when trying to make sure everyone’s tastes are accounted for and there’s enough food and drink to go around. It can make some hosts a little particular, even put out say, if they spot something out of their original plan.

This is the situation one woman found herself in when her husband decided to bring his own refreshments to a swanky soiree, leaving the hostess less than impressed. Wanting to know if should make her partner apologise for his perceived rudeness, the party-goer took to a parenting forum to share her story.

The mum wrote: “My darling husband (DH) has a friend from childhood who has done extremely well for himself. Built a business and made millions several times over. Each year they host an off-the-charts Christmas party that must cost them $50,000.

“Half a dozen servers walking around with champagne, scallops, beef wellingtons, crab cakes, the works. I mean, they have a huge raw bar with shuckers in one corner. Everything is high-end, including the drinks. Easily a couple hundred guests.” Such was the grandeur of the event that even former United States Secretary of the Navy, Senator John W. Warner was in attendance.

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The woman revealed that the party was serving Champagne, wine, mixed drinks and Stella Artois - surely enough to cater to everyone. However, she added: “DH only drinks Bud Light. So, unbeknownst to me, he and another childhood buddy packed a huge 70 qt cooler with cans of Bud Light and ice. Then, once at the party, they asked the host's sons to get it from the trunk and put it in the backyard.”

It wasn’t long before the wife of their friend spotted the cooler, told them off, and asked them to stop. She went on: “She basically lost her mind and told them to put it away. They declined and proceeded to enjoy the party with cans of Bud Light in their hand. The night went on and yesterday we got a note from her asking for 'an apology'. DH couldn't stop laughing and says he never will. I might extend on our behalf. That will likely irritate my DH. Was he actually out of line? Is an apology warranted?”

Posting the problem on the DC Urban Moms and Dads forum, the parent was quickly inundated with comments from people who had plenty to say - not least about his choice of beer. One person wrote: “I don't think it was out of line to bring what he prefers to drink, but if the hostess was truly upset he should have let it go, or been willing to apologize for upsetting her.”

They added: “Did they really need a 70qt cooler full, and to have it put out in public? He could have brought a six- or twelve-pack and given it to the bartender to ice for him when he needed a drink. Seems like he wanted to pull a stunt for attention, which is a bigger problem than bad taste in beer.”

Plenty of others agreed. Another responded: “He was out of line. He should have stashed his cooler and poured his Bud Light into a festive holiday cup. Or tipped the bartender $100 to stash it discreetly behind the bar.”

And someone else replied: “The hostess should have been more gracious during the party and certainly not texted after. But your DH was in the wrong. Sounds like he wanted to pull some college guy prank.”

Eve Wagstaff

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