'Lust of the blood sports trade to kill beautiful beasts for fun is horrific'

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'Lust of the blood sports trade to kill beautiful beasts for fun is horrific'

Watch out Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, Blixem and of course, Rudolph.

British trophy hunters are buying reindeer shooting holidays this Christmas.

The lust of the blood sports trade to kill magnificent wild beasts for fun is horrific, a stain on the heartless hunters and distasteful companies profiting from this vile trade.

Shooting reindeer to get a kick out of it is “most un-British” , as explorer Ranulph Fiennes tells today’s Daily Mirror.

The Scotland-based blood tour operator selling reindeer shooting trips in Norway has no concept of the spirit of Christmas – a time when we enjoy tales of these wonderful creatures pulling Santa’s sleigh.

Teachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade qhiquqidzziqztinvTeachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade

Banning trophy hunting would be a present that almost all of us would welcome. But with Tory Grinches firmly in the clutches of the blood sports lobby, it means we’ll first need a change of government.

Super knights

Denying knighthoods to Rugby League legends and inspiring health charity campaigners Kevin Sinfield and Rob Burrow would be an act of snobbery.

If this extraordinary pair had gone to Eton and an Oxbridge university from upper class families in southern Britain, and played Rugby Union instead of League, we bet they would already be Sir Kev and Sir Rob.

There will be a ferocious backlash if the establishment once again denies them knighthoods and attempts to fob them off with lesser awards as, since 2010, Tory governments have knighted an undeserving 96 MPs.

So nothing less than Sir Kev and Sir Rob will do for these two campaigning heroes.

Mone moans

Tory peer Michelle Mone is crying all the way to her controversial fortune.

Lying to the Daily Mirror and other parts of the media may be, in the eyes of many, far from her and her husband Doug Barrowman’s only “crime”, as she might put it.

Voice of the Mirror

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