'Co-worker wants to bring her kids to work Christmas party - she's so entitled'

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He didn
He didn't want to give in to her demands (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images)

A man has shared how he refused to accommodate his coworkers’ requests when he agreed to host the work Christmas party at his home. “Since it is a small company one small house is enough. I happen to have a pool in my backyard and just invested in a BBQ,” he said on Reddit.

“They all asked me if I could hold the party this year and I said yes with two conditions: First, this will be adult adult-only party, and second: we will have a BBQ with prawns and other normal BBQ stuff, meats are always welcome," the man added. He explained how the whole company agreed to his terms, with the small caveat that prawns were cooked separately to accommodate those with seafood allergies.“ I am more than happy to assist with that to make sure no one would go to the hospital," he said.

But the problem arose when a coworker returned from maternity leave knowing nothing about the prior Christmas party terms, “She was very adamant about coming to the party,” He said and described how she sent a company-wide email requesting she brought her three children. Someone at the company replied to her request with the original email stating the host’s adult-only condition. “She was not happy, to say the least," he said.

The mother would not leave it at that and requested coworkers and even the company boss talk to the man to see if they could persuade the host to allow her children to come. “My boss asked me to be flexible because she just came back [from maternity leave] we should not cut her out like that," he said.

He and his boss had it out at work, where the mother was present and interjecting. Instead of helping the situation by negotiating with the angered host, she acted as if it was already agreed in her favor and butted in with requests. “She asked me to baby-proof the house because her oldest child is suffering some type of illness that he cannot sit still.

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“And also she is allergic to cats so I should wipe the whole house of cat hair and lock them outside until the party is done.” He said. Adding. “According to her, if each of us paid some attention to the children there would be no problem, the youngest would stay by her side.” The outraged host flatly refused, “I would not baby-proof the house, and I would never lock my cats outside for any reason,” he said.

“I told her and the boss that she should not join the party since there would be alcohol and a hot BBQ, and also the pool would be dangerous to children without supervision. I made it clear that I agreed to hold the party because everyone agreed with my terms, if anyone was unhappy with that, they are more than welcome to hold the party at their place, I will not complain.” He said. To that the mother reacted by ‘storming out of the office with tears in her eyes’.

The boss tried to problem solve by sending a company-wide email asking if anyone else could host the Christmas party - but no one else would volunteer. “Some people told me to keep the office peaceful by just going along with her demands - it was only for a few hours.” He said, but he refused to bow to her requests, “I really don't care if anyone decided to not show up that day. If there are fewer people, then more alcohol for me, no biggie.”

The mother switched tactics and tried to appeal to his softer side by bringing her baby to work. “She came in with her baby and tried to show me, I don't like any type of kid so I asked her to leave my table and continued to work,” he explained. “She took offense and left for the whole day,” He said, complaining that as a result, her workload fell onto everyone else in the company. “She comes and goes as she pleases because there would always be something with the babies.”

“People are telling me to stop being an a** h*** and just give her what she wants because being a mother of three is no small job and she deserves a break too. To be honest, I almost laughed out loud hearing that.” He wrote on Reddit. “Still people insisted that I was the a**hole in this situation.” So he asked Reddit, “Am I the a** h***?”

Most commenters were shocked that it fell to employees to host the work Christmas party, “So much unnecessary and unprofessional drama all because the office is too cheap to find a space to rent," one said. Another agreed, “Is it just me, or is asking one of your staff members to host a party kind of odd? In my experience, office parties usually happen at the office, at a restaurant/venue paid for by the company, or the boss hosts.”

Another agreed with the outraged host, “It's bad enough to ask you to allow the kids and rearrange your house for them, but then to suggest that everyone should take turns watching the kids? Hell no!” Another was concerned for the cats, “Her kids are not your problem. I would lock her outside before locking my cats out.” And one more humorously predicted what was going to happen on the day of the party, “Somehow, I see her showing up with the kids anyway, and just expecting everybody to make accommodations and help watch them. The entitlement sheesh.”

Valerie Browne

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