'My husband stays up until 3am gaming - I'm expected to work and have the baby'

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The man left his wife fuming after staying up to play his PlayStation all night (Image: Getty Images)
The man left his wife fuming after staying up to play his PlayStation all night (Image: Getty Images)

Everyone needs a hobby, but one mum has been left fuming after her husband kept her and their young son up all night because of his.

With all the stresses of modern life, it can be hard for some of us to find time to do the things we enjoy. Whatever your hobby may be, it's easy to let it fall by the wayside between work and family commitments.

However, one mum has has been left "exhausted" because of her husband's computer game habit. The woman's husband, 32, claimed he did not have enough time to use his PlayStation during the day - but the 28-year-old mum took to Reddit to complain about his behaviour. She explained she is the 'sole earner' for the family and takes charge of their son's morning and bedtime routine every day.

The anonymous mum wrote: "My husband (32M) plays video games as a hobby and last night he was up super late playing. Our son had woken up at 1am and I was lying down with him in our bed as he seemed to be dozing off but then my husband started a boss fight in his game and the noise/light from the TV woke our son up.

"He started crawling around our bed, screaming and throwing stuff. Instead of turning off his game he just started begging the boy to sleep. I tried lying our son back down but every time I lay him down he got up and moved."

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By 3am, she had 'had enough' of the game disturbing her son. " I told him it wasn’t fair that he is doing this", she continued. "I am exhausted and the boy is tired and he shouldn't be playing his game this late if he knows it is keeping both of us awake. He then turned off the TV and our son started settling. Didn't sleep (didn’t expect him to after the stimulation from the video game tbh) but he was settling down."

But her husband did not take it well, complaining that he would have to start the game again because he couldn't finish on the night. "My husband then got upset at me that because of me he didn’t get the ending he wanted in the game, he had to turn it off because I was getting upset, he now has to start the game all over again to try and get the ending he wants because I didn’t let him play tonight, and how this isn’t fair because he never has time to play in the day", the mum added.

"I simply told him I don't really care about the ending he got. He could have played games till late if it didn't come at the expense of our son and I but at that point he was putting his want to finish the game above our son and [my] need to sleep.

"He carried on and on defending it and in the end him and the baby went to sleep at around 5am. I was really angry that he kept bringing up the fact he didn’t get the ending he wanted etc and didn't end up sleeping till 7.30am after he told me I had to move our son back to his bed so my husband could sleep properly.

"This morning I woke up still upset about the whole thing - not angry just sad (probably part due to exhaustion). He told me he wasn't gunna [sic] apologise for playing games because that’s his hobby and he doesn't get any time to play during the day.

"I told him that I don't get any time to do anything I wanna do either but every time I walk in our room during the work day (WFH), I see him playing - either the boy is asleep and he is playing or he has put his phone on for our son to watch YouTube while he plays. I also get notifications on my phone every time he comes online on his PlayStation.

"He told me that wasn't enough time for him and he shouldn't have to only play while the boy is asleep at night. He also said that if I didn’t have such s****y hobbies that take days to complete (crochet), then I would have time to do what I wanted too.

"I tried to tell him that I don't have time because he requested I take over sole responsibility of our son after I finish work and on my days off so by the time the boy is asleep I only just have the energy to shower and then I go to bed. He told me he wasn’t going to apologise for having a hobby.

"He doesn't understand that I am not mad at him for having a hobby, I am upset that last night he was putting it ahead of his son and I knowing it was keeping us both awake. And then above all blaming me for not getting the ending he wanted in the game.

"I don’t know, maybe I am wrong for being upset at that. Maybe I am not. All I know is that when it was me on maternity leave and he was working, he didn’t even like my phone screen being on - even on the dimmest setting - while him and our son were sleeping because apparently it kept him awake and would wake up our son. But apparently a 55” TV literally a foot away from the end of our bed is fine."

'I don't want children staying up late at weekends - I really need adult time''I don't want children staying up late at weekends - I really need adult time'

Other users overwhelmingly backed the 'overworked' and 'exhausted' mother. One wrote: "My boyfriend also loves his PS5, but it's in the living room on low volume so it doesn't bother me or our daughter when it's time for bed. I tell him I don't care how long he plays because he's the only one losing sleep over it. The toddler and I are fast asleep. Playing in the same room though is not ok and very disrespectful to both you and your baby."

"Honestly just throw him and his PlayStation out", another added. "He’s being a giant man baby. He didn't get the ending he wanted, well boo f*****g hoo.

"You and your child didn't get the sleep that you physically need to function. At an absolute minimum he should be apologising and the tv needs to be out of the bedroom so you can get some sleep."

Another continued: "So wait, if you do mornings, bedtimes, take care of your son when you're out of work and on weekends and you're the sole income earner, what does he even do? I'm a stay-at-home mum and I don't just sit around playing video games while my kids watch videos all day, I take them out to play spaces at least twice a week to socialise and interact with other kids, take them to play groups, we go to the park when it's nice out, and I play with them and teach them every day.

"It's my full time job to take care of them. It doesn't sound like your husband is doing much as a stay-at-home parent. Also, my girlfriend plays games after our toddlers are in bed, but never past midnight even on the weekend and certainly not where it's going to bother our twins sleep schedule."

Jamie Saunderson

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