Christmas advent calendar prices rocket since 2020 - with some more than double

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Some Christmas treats have doubled in price since 2020 (Image: Getty Images)
Some Christmas treats have doubled in price since 2020 (Image: Getty Images)

Christmas is traditionally the season of goodwill but anyone shopping for an advent calendar may find it is in short supply.

The festive treats on offer are less than generous this year with some calendars having more than doubled in price since 2020. Our analysis shows Kinder and Maltesers are among the worst-hit brands. A Kinder calendar now costs £7 – more than double the £3 it used to sell for.

And a Maltesers calendar will set you back £10, up from £6. Prices for many Cadbury and Lindt calendars have also risen by £1 and they now cost £6.

Christmas advent calendar prices rocket since 2020 - with some more than double eiqreitiqtrinvA Maltesers calendar has gone from £6 to £10 (DAILY MIRROR)

We compared prices at Tesco to archived listings from November 2020. It was not possible to view this data for other major supermarkets such as Asda and Sainsbury’s. This Christmas is set to be a frugal one, according to accounting firm KPMG, which found a third plan to slash spending on festive gifts, food and eating out due to the cost-of-living crisis.

And a further 40% will spend less on gifts, with those aged 35 to 44 likely to make the biggest money-saving measures. Emma Gosling, a finance coach at Octopus Money, said: “An advent calendar is part of many families’ traditions, starting the Christmas countdown.

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“Taking that away may feel like more of an emotional cost than a financial one.” KPMG’s Linda Ellett added: “The higher cost of living looks set to take its toll on Christmas spending for many.”

Ben Turner

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