'Creepy men begged me for dates as I tried to sell engagement ring on Facebook'

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'Creepy men begged me for dates as I tried to sell engagement ring on Facebook'

A single woman has claimed several "desperate and creepy" men messaged to ask her on dates while she was trying to flog a diamond ring on Facebook marketplace after her husband left her.

And Camille Fahrnbauer fears blokes are now scouring Facebook marketplace for broken-hearted brides, after her experience trying to sell her 1.6 carat diamond ring after her husband left her in February following two years of marriage. The 26-year-old travel nurse uploaded photos of the white gold wedding band onto Facebook marketplace as it was worth "a couple of thousand" and she is currently off work because of an injury so wanted the cash.

But the new singleton said when she checked her inbox on the resale site it was flooded with messages from "creepy" men asking her out. Screenshots of the messages show how one man asked her out on a "date" while another asked if it was ok for him to "take his shot" at her.

One man even went all out and said he wanted to use the ring to marry Camille himself. Camille said she was shocked to receive the messages online and questioned why so many men were scouting Facebook Marketplace for engagement rings.

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'Creepy men begged me for dates as I tried to sell engagement ring on Facebook'Camille tried to sell her engagement ring after her husband left her in February (Kennedy News/ @camille.fahrnbauer)
'Creepy men begged me for dates as I tried to sell engagement ring on Facebook'Men flooded Camille's inbox with messages chatting her up and asking her out on dates (Kennedy News/ @camille.fahrnbauer)

Camillie, from Salt Lake City in Utah, US, said: "My husband left me in February this year. In September, I went hiking with a friend and I injured myself and had to quit my job as a travel nurse because of this.

"This is when I decided to sell the ring to get some money. I put the ring on Facebook Marketplace about a month ago and I got a lot of interest.

"I thought the messages were funny at first but also kind of creepy and I didn't take anyone up on their offers [of a date]. [When these men messaged me], I questioned what their intentions were on Facebook Marketplace looking at engagement rings.

"Were they looking for a ring for their wife or girlfriend? I was hoping the men that messaged me weren't in relationships." While some people genuinely enquired about buying the ring, many of the men asked for dates and even to 'marry' Camille when contacting her.

One message read: "To be honest, I really don't want the ring, I would rather just use the ring to remarry you." Another guy sent: "Hey, I'm not interested in the ring, but I would be interested in taking you on a date sometime. What do you think?"

'Creepy men begged me for dates as I tried to sell engagement ring on Facebook'The 26-year-old travel nurse is having to take time off work because of an injury so wanted the cash from the ring sale (Kennedy News/ @camille.fahrnbauer)
'Creepy men begged me for dates as I tried to sell engagement ring on Facebook'Camille shared what happened to her on TikTok (Kennedy News/ @camille.fahrnbauer)

A third messaged: "I'm not looking for a ring yet. Would it be bold of me to take my shot?" After receiving the chat-up lines in her inbox, Camille posted the screenshots on TikTok and spoke out about her experience and the video has since got over six million views and 380,000 likes.

Camille said: "Ladies, delete Hinge and download Facebook Marketplace. Everyone these days are on dating apps and I effortlessly just posted about a ring on Facebook Marketplace and I had all these guys messaging me and asking me on dates.

"If the people that messaged me were good looking and presented themselves normally I would have potentially met them in a super public setting. [But if we met] one of my first questions to them would have been why were you looking at engagement rings on Facebook Marketplace."

After a month of her ring being listed online to sell, Camille said she was finally able to flog it to a man hoping to propose to his girlfriend in Japan. The singleton said she was happy to see her engagement ring go but was emotional when the exchange took place.

'Creepy men begged me for dates as I tried to sell engagement ring on Facebook'One man even told Camille Fahrnbaeur he would use the ring to marry her himself (Kennedy News/ @camille.fahrnbauer)

Camille said: "I was sad to see the ring go but it was also definitely a relief to have sold it and was a weight lifted off my shoulders. "I didn't think I'd care [too much when I sold it], but when I exchanged the ring and money I started crying.

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"The man who bought it said he is going to propose to his girlfriend in Japan soon. I'm glad that the ring can have a new memory. I'm single at the moment and ready for my new chapter."

Lucy Skoulding

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