Tory Rwanda plan in tatters as Supreme Court rules deportations are illegal

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Rishi Sunak has pledged to stop the dangerous Channel crossings in small boats (Image: No 10 Downing Street / BEEM)
Rishi Sunak has pledged to stop the dangerous Channel crossings in small boats (Image: No 10 Downing Street / BEEM)

Rishi Sunak's desperate attempts to stop the boats are in tatters after top judges ruled the Tory Rwanda deportation project is illegal.

In a massive blow to the under-fire PM, the Supreme Court unanimously torpedoed the plan, ruling it is not a safe country to send asylum seekers to. It comes after more than 18 months of bitter wrangling, during which time the Government has handed £140million to its Rwandan counterparts.

Ministers are now scrambling to find ways of resurrecting the project amid widespread calls to finally bin it altogether. Mr Sunak refused to apologise for wasting tens of millions of taxpayers' cash after Labour leader Keir Starmer taunted him: "He's wasted all his time on a gimmick and now he's absolutely nowhere."

But Tory Party deputy chairman Lee Anderson said the Government should "ignore the laws" and send migrants “straight back” the day they arrive in the UK. He described the Supreme Court judgment as a "dark day for the British people", adding: "My take is we should just put the planes in the air now and send them to Rwanda and show strength.”

Tory Rwanda plan in tatters as Supreme Court rules deportations are illegal eiqexidxiqxxinvThe Government was dealt a hammer blow in today's ruling (Amer Ghazzal/REX/Shutterstock)

In a snap response Mr Sunak said the Government will "now consider next steps". Downing Street said he spoke to Rwandan President Paul Kagame in the aftermath of the court's decision and stressed his commitment to the plan.

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New Home Secretary James Cleverly said the Government is working on a new treaty with Rwanda that will address judges' concerns that asylum seekers could be sent back to their homeland. He added that the Government is prepared to change laws if they continue to block the plan, but added: "But we are not going to put forward proposals simply to manufacture an unnecessary row for political gain." The remark was met with laughter in the Commons.

Asked about Mr Anderson's comment, he said ministers respect the judgement. Pressed by backbencher Dr Caroline Johnson on whether he could give a timetable on bringing the Rwanda deal back, he said: "I wish that I could."

This morning's ruling, announced by Lord Reed, comes less than 24 hours after former Home Secretary Suella Braverman - who was dramatically sacked on Monday - launched a blistering attack on the PM. She accused him of failing to draw up a "credible Plan B" if the court found against ministers.

The decision was branded a "victory for reason and compassion" by human rights campaigners. It will now leave the Prime Minister facing a rising wave of anger within Tory ranks.

Judges found there were "substantial grounds" for believing that asylum seekers would "face a real risk of ill-treatment". They said people could be forced back to their country of origin, while also highlighting "deficiencies" in the country's asylum system.

An asylum seeker threatened with deportation there said the draconian plan is at odds with his experience of the British public. The man, who arrived in the UK last year after fleeing a conflict zone, said the ordeal had taken a devastating toll on him. He was one of 10 asylum seekers whose cases formed part of the legal challenge.

Following the ruling, he said: "After all this struggling and waiting I'm so happy, I feel so relieved." He spent two months in asylum detention after being arrested on his arrival, during which time he learned he could be deported to Africa.

"All I was hearing was about being sent to a country I didn't know about," he said. "When I got out I found people were very supportive. The people in Britain are really supportive, I can't understand the difference between the Government policy and what I can see from the people around me."

Asked why he had got involved in the challenge, he said: "I fled from persecution and most people that claim asylum are the same. I felt that I had a duty to fight for those people. I didn't feel scared. I lived in a war before. I just felt proud to do it."

And describing the impact the threat of deportation had on him, he said: "Usually in my life I try to be positive but the waiting time, the limbo was very long, I felt depressed and traumatised about being deported. I'm now starting to feel hope but I think the trauma will stay. I'm not expecting I will feel better or recover soon."

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Tory Rwanda plan in tatters as Supreme Court rules deportations are illegalLawyer Tofique Hossain addresses the media outside the Supreme Court (AP)

Some within the Tory fold are now admitting the policy is dead in the water. Dover MP Natalie Elphicke said a deal with France was now the best way to stop small boats crossing the English Channel. She conceded the Supreme Court's ruling on Rwanda "means the policy is effectively at an end". "No planes will be leaving and we now need to move forward," she said. "A fresh policy is now needed.”

It comes as Mr Sunak faces growing pressure within his own party. Miriam Cates, who co-chairs the right-wing New Conservatives group, refused to say whether she had full confidence in the PM. She said: "He has said he will do whatever it takes to stop the boats. The next few days will show whether we've got the legislative power and the political will to do that."

Ms Cates added: "We will support him to do whatever it takes."

Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: “The Prime Minister’s flagship policy has completely failed. This damning judgment on his Rwanda policy, where he has already spent more than £140million of taxpayers’ money, exposes Rishi Sunak’s failure to get any grip or have any serious plan to tackle dangerous boat crossings, which are undermining border security and putting lives at risk."

The UN Refugee Agency had led opposition to the project, which has been dismissed by human rights groups as a "grubby cash-for-humans" deal.

Steve Smith of refugee charity Care4Calais said the judgement was a “victory for humanity”. He said: “Hundreds of millions of pounds have been spent on this cruel policy, and the only receipts the Government has are the pain and torment inflicted on the thousands of survivors of war, torture and modern slavery they have targeted with it. Today’s judgement should bring this shameful mark on the UK’s history to a close.”

Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Alistair Carmichael said: “It was clear from the get-go that the Conservatives’ Rwanda scheme was destined to fail. Not only is it immoral, unworkable and incredibly costly for taxpayers - but the Supreme Court has confirmed that it’s unlawful too.”

The decision will lead to amplified calls for the UK to pull out of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) - a cause championed by right-wing Tories including Ms Braverman. But the ruling makes clear this would have made little difference.

Lord Reed said in a summary of the judgment that the was not the only international treaty that was relevant to the Rwanda case. He added: "There are other international treaties which also prohibit the return of asylum seekers to their countries of origin without a proper examination of their claims."

These included the the United Nations (UN) Refugee Convention, the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, he said.

The Government claims that sending asylum seekers to Rwanda would discourage people from travelling to these shores illegally - but critics say there is no evidence to support this.

No one has been deported to Rwanda since the flagship project was announced in April last year. Former Home Secretary Priti Patel signed an agreement with the African nation that would see hundreds, potentially thousands, of asylum seekers flown 4,000 miles, where they would be considered for refugee status.

Top Tories say the scheme is a crucial part of fixing the broken asylum system, with Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick saying this week it would go ahead “no ifs, no buts”. In the summer the UK's asylum backlog topped 175,000, with accommodation costing taxpayers £8.3million every day.

Tory Rwanda plan in tatters as Supreme Court rules deportations are illegalSuella Braverman on a PR trip to Rwanda earlier this year (PA)

Mr Sunak was rocked by Ms Braverman's poison pen letter on the eve of the judgement. Accusing him of "wasting a year" and of "magical thinking", Ms Braverman wrote: "I can only surmise that this is because you have no appetite for doing what is necessary, and therefore no real intention of fulfilling your pledge to the British people."

But she also claimed that watering down her flagship Immigration Migration Act will also mean Rwanda deportations don't achieve their aims. She wrote: "If, on the other hand, we win in the Supreme Court, because of the compromises that you insisted on in the Illegal Migration Act, the Government will struggle to deliver our Rwanda partnership in the way that the public expects."

The decision is the final stage in a lengthy legal process. In June last year the first flight was halted at the eleventh hour following a legal challenge, and none have taken off since.

In June the Court of Appeal ruled the scheme wasn't legal, saying that Rwanda isn't a safe place to send asylum seekers. Judges also warned that the policy breaches parts of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Ms Braverman is among the Tories calling for the UK to withdraw from this.

The Court of Appeal decision overturned a previous ruling by the High Court, which had determined the project to be legal. Lawyers representing asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam and Sudan under threat of deportation challenged the scheme, saying their clients would be at risk of being returned to their homelands.

The Government has said there's a “serious and pressing need” for the scheme. Labour has committed to abolishing it if it is elected and instead ploughing the cash into tackling the people smugglers behind the rise in Channel crossings.

Colin Parker, of Refugee Action, said: “The grubby cash-for-humans deportation deal with the Rwandan government is inhumane, racist and it won’t stop people making dangerous journeys across the Channel. Ministers fail to accept that a tiny percentage of the world’s refugees come to the UK because they have loved ones here or speak English and no amount of brutal and costly deterrence will stop them.

“Deporting refugees to any country is cruel. But serious concerns over the Rwandan Government’s human rights record making it totally unfit to look after refugees.”

Tory Rwanda plan in tatters as Supreme Court rules deportations are illegalFormer Home Secretary Priti Patel with Rwandan Foreign Minister Vincent Biruta (EUGENE UWIMANA/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

What is the plan?

In a nutshell, the UK has signed an agreement with the Rwandan Government which would see hundreds of asylum seekers flown 4,000 miles to the African nation.

Although the Government says the country is safe and people will be well-treated, it also believes it will deter people from trying to reach the UK by unauthorised means, like small boats. Those sent to Rwanda could be granted refugee status and allowed to say there. Alternatively they may try to get asylum in another "safe third country".

How much has it cost (so far)?

We don't know the full picture as yet - but what we do know is that it's been very, very expensive. So far the UK Government has handed over £140million to Rwanda.

The Mirror has requested a full breakdown of all other costs associated with the project, such as airline fees and spending on court battles, but has been rebuffed.

Has anyone been sent there yet?

Only if you count Home Secretaries. Priti Patel gleefully announced the deal in April 2022, saying it would be a groundbreaker in tackling illegal migration.

That June a first flight was cancelled at the last minute due to a legal challenge, and the project has been stalled since. In March Suella Braverman - who was sacked on Monday - travelled to Kigali with a carefully-selected press pack on a PR trip. But she came back.

So what's been happening in the courts?

There's been a long back-and-forth over the last year over whether the Rwanda scheme is actually legal.

In June the Court of Appeal ruled it wasn't, saying that the African nation isn't a safe place to send asylum seekers to. It also warned that the policy breaches parts of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Ms Braverman is among the Tories calling for the UK to withdraw from this.

The Court of Appeal decision overturned a previous ruling by the High Court, which had determined the project to be legal.

Are the public convinced it'll work?

No. Polling from Savanta found that 51% don't think the threat of deportation to Rwanda will make a difference. Just a quarter of voters believe it will bring down the number of small boat crossings.

Chris Hopkins, Political Research Director at Savanta, said: "Despite a year of hyping what feels like one of the government's flagship policies, there's no movement whatsoever in public opinion regarding the Rwanda plan, according to this repeat of polling from June 2022. However, the good news for the government is that the policy is reasonably popular, with a plurality of support from the public, and a majority of support from those that voter Conservative in 2019."

What would Labour do?

Labour has said it will scrap the Rwanda project if it comes to Government. Keir Starmer has said his party would plough the cash into dealing with people arriving in the UK in the first place.

He said last month: "I think it’s the wrong policy. It’s hugely expensive. It’s a tiny number, a tiny number of individuals who go to Rwanda. And the real problem is at source.”

Dave Burke

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