Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killers

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Mary Surratt was the first woman to be executed by the US government in 1865 (Image: Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Mary Surratt was the first woman to be executed by the US government in 1865 (Image: Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Though the death penalty has been around in the US since European settlers made their way over, with the first recorded execution in 1608, it wasn't until more than 200 years later the first woman was handed the death penalty.

In July 1865 Mary Surratt was hanged after being convicted of being part of the conspiracy which led to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln earlier that year. Mary maintained that she was innocent until her death, with her case against her seen as controversial at the time, and still sparks debate to this day.

Mary Elizabeth Jenkins Surratt was born on a tobacco plantation near the southern Maryland town of Waterloo, with sources differing as to whether she was born in 1820 or 1823. She married John Harrison Surratt in 1840 and the couple used land from John's wealthy adopted parents to eventually build their own hamlet, Surrattsville.

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A tavern and inn were built on farmland near what is now Clinton, and by the time of the Civil War, the couple, who were Confederate sympathisers, were using their tavern as a safe house for Confederate spies.. In August 1862, John, a known alcoholic, collapsed suddenly and died due to a stroke.

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Mary opens a boarding house

This left the family in serious financial difficulties as he had racked up numerous debts. In 1864, Mary took possession of a townhouse the couple owned in Washington DC, which had been rented out. She moved to the four-storey gray brick house in December that year, and the same day she leased the tavern in Surrattsville.

She used the local Daily Evening Star newspaper to advertise for lodgers for her townhouse, which had four rooms to let. It was here that the pieces would begin to fall into place for the plan to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln.

Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersMary Surratt kept a boarding house in Washington DC where John Wilkes Booth and his co-conspirators met to plan the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln (Getty Images)
Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersMary Surratt was the first woman to be executed by the US government in 1865 (Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Mary's son, John Jr, met John Wilkes Booth, who was a frequent visitor at the boarding house on December 23, 1864. Booth recruited John Jr into his conspiracy to kidnap Lincoln in order to blackmail the Union into resuming exchanges of Confederate prisoners. The townhouse became a hub of Confederate activity, though it's unclear how much she knew about the way in which her house was being used.

Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

On April 13, President Lincoln attended a play with his wife at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC. But during the third act of the play, while laughing at a line that was the biggest laugh of the night, John Booth, an actor, shot the president at point-blank range in the back of his head.

After a scuffle with Major Henry Rathbone, Booth leapt over the railing of the private box. Major Rathbone was able to grab hold of some of Booth's clothes, causing him to fall roughly onto the stage below. Rising from the stage, Booth then historically shouted 'Sic semper tyrannus' (thus always to tyrants) before running across the stage and toward the back of the theatre.

After Booth shot President Lincoln, he made a dramatic escape on horseback, eventually meeting up with David Herold, a co-conspirator who had fled an attempted assassination of Secretary of State William Seward which he was to carry out with Lewis Powell, in Surattsville tavern. John Jr, who had been in Elmira at the time of the assassination, fled to Canada and later Europe, where he posed as a Canadian citizen.

Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersPresident Abraham Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth (Getty Images)
Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersStudio portrait of Lewis Thornton Powell wearing manacles after his arrest in 1865 (Corbis via Getty Images)

Booth remained on the run until April 26, when soldiers surrounded the barn Booth and Herold were sleeping in and threatened to set fire to it. Herold surrendered, but Booth is said to have cried: "I will not be taken alive!"

Soldiers set fire to the barn and Booth scrambled for the back door with a rifle and a pistol. Sergeant Boston Corbett crept up behind the barn and shot Booth in the back of the head, said to be around an inch below where Booth had shot President Lincoln, severing his spinal cord. He was carried out onto the steps of the barn, where a soldier poured water into his mouth which he was unable to swallow.

He told the soldier: "Tell my mother I die for my country." Paralysed, Booth asked a soldier to lift his hands before his face and whispered his last words as he gazed at them: "Useless... useless". He died on the porch of the farm two hours later.

Surratt linked to assassination plot

At around 2am on April 15, the Surratt boarding house was visited by members o the District of Columbia police, who were in search of Booth and John Jr. Within 45 minutes of the attack on President Lincoln, John Jr's name had become associated with the attack on Secretary Seward.

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Police knew John Jr was a close friend of Booth, but Mary lied to detectives saying her son had been in Canada for two weeks. She claimed ignorance of any plot to kill the President, despite testimony from her tavern keeper she had told him to keep guns at the ready on the day of the assassination.

That testimony linked her to Booth and other conspirators, including John Jr. When he heard of President Lincoln's murder, Surrattsville tavern keeper John Lloyd is said to have cried out: "Mrs Surratt, that vile woman, she has ruined me!"

Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersThe eight main conspirators in the Lincoln assassination plot (Bettmann Archive)

Surratt was imprisoned in the Old Capital Prison along with the owner of Ford's theatre, Booth's brother, Dr Samuel Mudd and many other suspected co-conspirators. She was tried by a military tribunal instead of a civil court - a move seemingly motivated by lingering distrust between the North and South, bitterness over the assassination and a desire to get to the bottom of the convoluted conspiracy.

Eight alleged conspirators were tried simultaneously, with historians commenting that the case against Mary Surratt remains the most controversial when it comes to declarations of guilt or innocence. During the trial, Mary was given special consideration as she was a woman and she sat apart from the other prisoners, who wore wrist and ankle manacles in court while she did not.

She is also said to have been allowed a bonnet, fan and veil to hide her face from spectators. She was charged with aiding, abetting, concealing, counselling and harbouring her co-defendants. The prosecution was attempting to tie Mary to the conspiracy, pointing to Powell's arrival at her boarding house, three days after the president's murder, as key evidence against her.

Contentious court case

Large swathes of the prosecution's case relied on the testimony of two men - John M Lloyd and Louis J Weichmann. Lloyd testified on hiding supplies at the Surrattsville tavern the month prior to the assassination and conversations he had with Mary where she told him to "get the shooting irons ready". Meanwhile, Weichmann's testimony established an intimate relationship Mary had with the other conspirators.

He testified that he had been residing at the boarding house since November 1864 where he had seen or overheard John Jr meeting with Booth, Powell and another conspirator, Atzerodt, who had not carried out his mission to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson. He also testified at length about her family's ties to the Confederate spy and courier rings operating in the area.

Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersDavid Herold who abandoned his mission to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward with Lewis Powell (Getty Images)
Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersGeorge A. Atzerodt, one of the conspirators in the assassination of President Lincoln (Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Mary was the second-last to be considered for guilt and sentencing, as her case had problems around evidence and reliability. She was found guilty on all charges but two, with a sentence handed down on June 30, 1865.

She was sentenced to death, a sentence that required six of the nine votes of the judges. Five of the nine judges signed a letter asking President Johnson to give her clemency and allow her to carry out a life sentence in prison due to her age and gender. However, the letter was not delivered by Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt until July 5, two days before Mary and the others were set to hang.

While President Johnson had signed the execution order, he did not sign the order for clemency, later saying he never saw it. Holt, on the other hand, said he showed it to President Johnson who refused to sign it. According to Holt, the president said in signing the death warrant she had "kept the nest that hatched the egg."

America's first noose for a woman

Captain Christan Rath, overseeing the execution, was in charge of making the nooses. Tired of making them, and thinking the government would never hang a woman, Mary's noose was made the night before her execution with five loops rather than the regulatory seven. At noon on July 6, Mary was told she would be hanged the next day.

She wept and was joined by two Catholic priests along with her daughter Anna. She had fallen ill with menstrual problems while incarcerated and was in so much pain the prison doctor gave her wine and medication. Shortly before noon, after a night of weeping on her straw mattress, Mary was taken from her cell and allowed to sit in a chair near the courtyard.

Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersPreparation for execution of the Lincoln conspirators. Left to right: Mary Surratt, Powell, alias Payne, Harold and Azerot (Bettmann Archive)

At 1.15pm, a procession of the four condemned prisoners made their way through the courtyard and up to the gallows. With ankles and wrists bound by manacles, Mary led the way wearing a black dress, black bonnet and black veil.

More than 1,000 people, including government officials, watched. As General John Hartranft, who commanded the prison, read the execution order, Mary, either weak from illness or swooning in fear, had to be supported by two soldiers and her priests.

White cloth bound the prisoner's arms to their sides and their ankles and thighs together. A white bag was placed over the head of each prisoner after the noose was put in place. Mary's bonnet was removed and the noose was placed around her neck by a Secret Service officer.

Mary's haunting final words

She complained the bindings on her arms hurt, and the officer preparing her reportedly said: "Well, it won't hurt long." The prisoners were asked to move to the nooses as the chairs they had been sitting on were moved away.

As she was moved toward the drop by a guard, Mary's last words were: "Please don't let me fall." She and the other prisoners stood there for around 10 seconds before the supports holding the drops were knocked out of place, allowing the condemned to fall.

Haunting final words of first woman executed in US as she begged with killersThe four people condemned to death for conspiring in the Lincoln assassination hang from a gallows in a prison yard (Mary Surratt far left) (Bettmann Archive)

Mary had moved forward enough to barely step onto the drop, causing her body to lurch forward and slide partway down the drop as the supports were removed before her body snapped tight at the end of the rope. She appeared to die relatively quickly with little struggle, Atzerodt's stomach heaved once and his legs quivered, while Herold and Powell are said to have struggled for almost five minutes, strangling to death.

The bodies were allowed to hang for 30 minutes, with Mary's body not cut down until 1.58pm. She and the other prisoners were placed in pine coffins with a glass vial containing their names to help identify the bodies, and buried in a shallow grave next to the prison's walls.

In 1869, Mary's daughter Anna made a plea to the government for her mother's remains. She was granted them and buried her mother in Mount Olivet Cemetery in Washington DC, with Anna and Mary's other son Isaac later buried beside the mother. John Lloyd, whose testimony led to Mary's conviction, is buried less than 100 yards away from her in the same cemetery.

Fiona Leishman

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