The Beatles reunited at last in new music video for final single Now and Then

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The Beatles reunited at last in new music video for final single Now and Then
The Beatles reunited at last in new music video for final single Now and Then

Beatles fans went from Penny Lane to Memory Lane as the band were reunited for what will probably be the last time.

Archive footage was used to bring the Fab Four back together for the video for their new song Now And Then. The surviving members – Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Ringo Starr – are seen alongside their former bandmates John Lennon and George Harrison who have been superimposed on screen.

Sir Peter Jackson, who directed the video, which came out yesterday, admitted he was “very reluctant” to take on the job. He said: “My lifelong love of the Beatles collided into a wall of sheer terror at the thought of letting everyone down.”

The Beatles reunited at last in new music video for final single Now and Then qeituidqriezinvPaul and 'George' (The Beatles)

Sir Peter, 62, added that George’s son Dhani, 45, welled up when they talked about the video’s ending. The last moments show the Beatles bowing on stage in black and white before they disappear. Sir Peter, who also directed the Lord of the Rings movies, said: “We wanted the short film to bring a few tears to the eye, but generating emotion using only archive footage is tricky.”

The New Zealander added the ending was proving especially difficult as he felt he could not come up with anything monumental enough to act as the band’s final farewell. Sir Peter said: “Dhani Harrison happened to be visiting [New Zealand] at this time.

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“I discussed the ending with him, and described one idea I’d been toying with. His eyes filled with tears so that’s the way we went.” Now And Then was originally recorded as a demo by John in the 1970s. About 15 years after he was killed in 1980, the other Beatles began developing the song, but the recording quality of the demo was not good enough.

New technology changed all that, and Macca, 81, and Ringo, 83, completed the song last year. The track, released on Thursday and set to be the last ever Beatles song, includes George’s guitar playing from the 1990s. He died in 2001.

Mark Jefferies

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