'Innocent Palestinians should not be slaughtered in response to Hamas massacre'

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A paramedic holds a girl crying after a bombing of the Ahmed Yassin mosque by Israeli planes in Gaza
A paramedic holds a girl crying after a bombing of the Ahmed Yassin mosque by Israeli planes in Gaza

The massacre of innocent Israelis by Hamas was one of the most abhorrent and grotesque acts of terror since 9/11.

But Benjamin Netanyahu’s response must not be the slaughter of innocent Palestinians. Israel has the right to defend itself. After the horrors Hamas inflicted, an invasion of north Gaza to find those responsible was inevitable.

But the ground attack must be conducted within international law to minimise the unfolding humanitarian disaster. The Israelis gave 1.1 million Palestinian civilians a pitifully short window to find safety in the south. And their air strike on evacuees killed children aged between two and five.

'Innocent Palestinians should not be slaughtered in response to Hamas massacre' eiqtiqueiqehinvHomes destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza (Getty Images)

Palestinian children play no part in atrocities committed by Hamas, just like Israeli children butchered by Hamas play no part in politics. No-one is more innocent than a child.

The world is now on tenterhooks that this conflict can be contained. Iran must keep its nose out and stand down its Hezbollah henchmen. West Bank Palestinians must try to remain calm. And we also appeal for calm on Britain’s streets.

'UK's most neglected street with post-apocalyptic scenes like The Last of Us''UK's most neglected street with post-apocalyptic scenes like The Last of Us'
'Innocent Palestinians should not be slaughtered in response to Hamas massacre'A man wails while carrying the body of a Palestinian child killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza (AFP via Getty Images)

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched yesterday in London, Manchester and elsewhere. That is their democratic right. Police warn they will arrest those who show support for Hamas. That is right under the law.

And those who back an independent Palestinian state should condemn Hamas, too. We know there will be more bloodshed. But we must never give up hope that children may once again be allowed to grow up in peace.

Crisis of care

It is a measure of the crisis in Britain’s care provision that narrowboats, motorhomes and even tents can be considered suitable places for vulnerable children. Yet FoI requests show that local authorities are using a loophole in the law to do just that.

We found one frightened 13-year-old boy sent to live in a caravan nearly 200 miles away from his family. That is only allowed for under-16s in care if it counts as a holiday or activity.

Tory cuts have left councils desperately short of suitable accommodation. Some have lost more than 90% of their support grant.

But children should not be shunted around the country like commodities, far away from those who know and love them. Our care system is in need of the urgent overhaul promised – but not delivered – by successive Tory administrations. And Britain is in need of a Government which truly cares.

Bald ambition

Gypsy King boxer Tyson Fury will become Tyson Furry if he takes up opponent Francis Ngannou’s offer of a free hair transplant. The hairless heavyweight champion says he’s happy to be bald. But a new look might prove to be a breath of fresh hair.

Voice of the Mirror

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