All news on the topic: Hezbollah

Iran threatens ’devastating war’ if Israel attacks Lebanon
Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah prompted the US to launch diplomatic efforts to prevent a full-scale war in the region.
Israel ignored warnings from Ukraine about Iranian drones and declined offers of assistance
No army in the world has more experience combatting Iranian drones than that of Ukraine, which has been dealing with them for over two years.
Cyprus underscores neutrality after Hezbollah’s threat regarding Israel war
Officials say Cyprus is ‘pillar of peace’ amid shock at warning it could become a target for Lebanese group
Israel warns of potential ’all-out war’ after Hezbollah releases video targeting military and civilian sites
Israel warned Hezbollah on Tuesday of the prospect of “all-out war” after the Lebanese militant group published a 9-minute video, purportedly taken by a drone, showing Israeli military and civilian locations in several Israeli cities.
Exploring the finances of the ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah terrorist empires
In May, a Russian programmer was sentenced to more than 5 years in prison in the Netherlands for creating the crypto mixer Tornado Cash.
UAE attracts Hezbollah, drug dealers, Putin associates’ investments
A collaborative international investigation reveals how the United Arab Emirates facilitated foreign investment in real estate – without asking too many tough questions.
"Dubai Unlocked" controlled by sanctioned Hezbollah-affiliated businessmen
In the context of the “Dubai Unlocked” project, which was carried out in collaboration with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), our investigation into Dubai real estate data and documents revealed properties...
Missiles strike Israel in an attempt to overwhelm the Iron Dome defense system ahead of an anticipated Iranian attack, reportedly coming soon
A barrage of missiles hit Israel on Friday evening as one commentator chillingly warned that the attack may be an attempt to deplete the country’s ’Iron Dome’ defense system as Iran prepares for a retaliatory attack
Israeli airstrike on Iran consulate in Syria kills six reportedly including IRGC commander
Mohammad Reza Zahedi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps reportedly among dead in Damascus attack
Israeli troops train for offensive as fears of war against Hezbollah grow
The IDF is wargaming an invasion of infantry and armour to force back elite Hezbollah special forces units in south Lebanon as US vice president Kamala Harris called for a ceasefire in Gaza
Iran tells Hezbollah to escalate attacks on Israel amid fears of Lebanon hit
Under the leadership of Ali Khamenei the Iranian regime fears Lebanon will be next in Israel's firing line and has decided to act first by reportedly ordering Hezbollah to attack
Israeli troops storm hospital in Gaza as threat of Lebanon conflict looms
The Israeli military said they were seeking hostages taken by Hamas but the raid came a day after the army tried to evacuate thousands of displaced people taking shelter there
Convoy heading towards Israel border with Lebanon as Middle East braces for war
President Joe Biden vowed the US “shall respond” to the attack on ­logistics base Tower 22 in Jordan which was hit by increasingly aggressive pro-Iranian militia who are based in Syria
US is 'pushing Middle East conflict into new realm' for key reason, expert says
The US failure to hold back Israel in its brutal war in Gaza will be a 'stain' on its reputation going forward and is pushing the tensions in the wider region in a way it 'doesn't need to go,' an expert has warned
Houthi rebels 'eager to take US on' and escalate conflict after missile strikes
The Red Sea route is a crucial waterway, and Houthis attacks there have caused severe disruptions to global trade. Further attacks in the region could see a "tit-for-tat" retaliation towards the US
Inside Yemen as deadly US missiles pummel Houthi bases in devastating strikes
Tensions have skyrocketed in the Middle East as the US and UK strike Houthi targets following attacks on trade ships passing through the Red Sea. The Yemeni Houthi rebels have promised a swift response
Keir Starmer’s cure is coming as he bids to save NHS after Tory failure
Labour leader Keir Starmer today promises to end the NHS scandal which has left 180,937 children waiting more than 18 weeks for hospital treatment - despite Rishi Sunak pledging to cut waiting lists
Hamas command in north Gaza destroyed, IDF claims
As Gaza is in a "desperate humanitarian crisis" according to the British Red Cross, the IDF claims that it has "completed" the dismantling of Hamas' command structure in Northern Gaza
A place of death and despair: UN chief says Gaza is now 'uninhabitable'
More than two million Palestinians in Gaza are facing daily threats to their existence, UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths has claimed as the death toll of Israel's assault passes 22,000
Israel on alert for revenge attack after killing a Hamas leader in drone strike
Despite US efforts to prevent a wider escalation of the war in Gaza there are fears of escalation after an Israeli drone strike killed a senior Hamas leader in Lebanon
Israel ready to pull thousands of troops out of Gaza after Syria threats
Israel is said to be moving towards a low-intensity war with Hamas, as it faces an escalating cross-border conflict with Syria and Lebanon, with plans to withdraw from Gaza within weeks
Top Hamas boss killed in Beirut explosion as Hezbollah blames 'Israeli drone'
Saleh al-Arouri, a senior Hamas official who headed the militant group's political wing and led their operations in the West Bank, is reported to have died in what Hezbollah are claiming was an Israeli strike in Beirut
Israeli troops pump seawater into Hamas tunnels in bid to drown terror group
As the death toll of Israel's onslaught against Gaza threatens to reach 20,000 before the end of the year, the IDF is pumping seawater into the tunnel system used by Hamas
Ex-Israel spymaster warns war against Hamas 'not even at half-way point yet'
Efraim Halevy, a former Israeli spymaster has warned that the battle with Hamas is not even at its halfway point and that it "will last for longer than either side could have anticipated"
Woman and three children killed by Israeli airstrike in south Lebanon
Samir Ayoub, a journalist and the uncle of the three girls killed in an Israeli airstrike, questioned where the "terrorists" were when the IDF drone struck the cars carrying his family in southern Lebanon