Global ‘Satanic neo-Nazi’ paedo cult targets kids online to record own suicides

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Angel Almeida
Angel Almeida's arrest led authorities to uncover the Satanic paedophile extortion cult (Image: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)

The FBI has issued a stark warning after a Satanic paedophile cult was uncovered following the arrest of a man on gun possession charges, with the hate group apparently having links to a neo-Nazi organisation that wants to destroy Western civilisation.

Authorities came across the terrifying group after a man was arrested in Queens, New York, in November 2021. As they were investigating Angel Almeida, a 23-year-old convicted felon, they came across the neo-Nazi organisation offshoot which is named '764' but goes by a number of different aliases.

The group seems to be intensely interested in targeting children online, who are then threatened, intimidated and blackmailed into recording or live-streaming self-harm, sexual acts, animal abuse and even their own suicides. The FBI issued a stark warning last month, saying the groups "target minors between the ages of eight and 17 years old, especially LGBTQ+ youth, racial minorities, and those who struggle with a variety of mental health issues, such as depression and suicidal ideation."


Global ‘Satanic neo-Nazi’ paedo cult targets kids online to record own suicides qhiqquiqquiqtzinvAlmeida, a convicted felon, was arrested on charges of possessing a firearm as a felon (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)
Global ‘Satanic neo-Nazi’ paedo cult targets kids online to record own suicidesAuthorities found a 'blood covenant' in Almeida's home (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)

According to the FBI, the "violent online groups" use multiple aliases, including 676, 764, CVLT, Court, Kaskar, Harm Nation, Leak Society, and H3ll, but they also "continuously evolve and form subgroups under different monikers." The groups operate on publicly available platforms, from popular games such as Roblox or communication platforms such as Discord and Twitch.

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Sexual and gory footage shared in groups

The group's main way to access young victims is through Telegram - a platform that has been widely used by far-right extremists. In channels belonging to the groups, they share footage recorded by victims showing self-mutilation or acts of violence toward animals, and even child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

In order to be accepted into the groups, prospective members are "required to live-stream or upload videos depicting their minor victims harming animals or committing self-harm, suicide, murder or other acts of violence," according to the FBI. They threaten their victims, saying they will SWAT or DOX them if they do not comply with requests.

SWATTING is when a prank call is made to police or emergency services in an effort to have armed police officers, such as a SWAT team, called out to a particular address. DOXXING is when personally identifiable information is obtained and published online, usually with malicious intent.

According to the FBI: "Members of the groups threaten to share sexually explicit videos or photos of the minor victims with their family, friends, and/or post to the internet. The groups control their victims through extreme fear and many members have an end goal of forcing the minors they extort into committing suicide on live-stream for their own entertainment or their own sense of fame."

Links to terrifying neo-Nazi group

Sources familiar with the 764 group have said it is an offshoot of a violent neo-Nazi group, known as the Order of Nine Angels (O9A);. The group has been recognised as a terrorist ideology by US officials and has also been linked to murders and attempted terrorist attacks in numerous countries including the US, UK, Germany, Canada and Russia.

According to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD): "The Order of Nine Angels (O9A) is a decentralised, satanic, neo-Nazi organisation. O9A adherents believe Western civilisation's Judeo-Christian heritage corrupts modern society and seek to overthrow and replace the current order with a new imperial order based on Fascism, Social Darwinism and Satanism. O9A ideology has spread and become both increasingly influential and divisive among accelerationist neo-Nazi groups in recent years."

The O9A dates back to Britain in the early 1970s when it was founded by neo-Nazi activist David Myatt. Despite going through a brief lull in the 1990s and early 2000s, the group saw a resurgence as it became active on social media in 2008.

Global ‘Satanic neo-Nazi’ paedo cult targets kids online to record own suicidesThe symbol of the Order of the Nine Angels (UGC)

Writing under the pseudonym 'Anton Long', Myatt developed the system of teachings, trainings and initiations that now define the O9A. His teachings include the core concept of 'Aeonics' - that every human civilisation corresponds to an 'aeon' with the current one being present-day Western civilisation.

O9A followers believe modern Western civilisation will ultimately fall to be replaced with a new militaristic social order called the 'Imperium', associated with a Nazi revival. Followers believe that after the 'Imperium', a sixth aeon will form, in which the Aryan race will colonise outer space.

Non-profit organisation Hope Not Hate, Myatt intertwined elements of Satanism, paganism and Nazism into a "pseudo-religious political cult". They said O9A "seeks to harness supernatural forces and overthrow the alleged 'Nazarene/Magian' (Jewish) influence on society, reduce the population of mundanes' through acts of extreme barbarism, and usher in a new imperial aeon ruled by a race of Satanic supermen who would colonise the solar system."

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According to Hope Not Hate, O9a is organised into "nexions" and "climbing O9A's hierarchy requires founding and leading one's own nexion". Groups resembling O9A have been found across Europe, in the US and even New Zealand, however, it's unclear whether the groups are just inspired by O9A, or are a direct result of work within and cooperation with the order.

A huge problem for a young generation

"It's an interesting concoction of racism and sex," said Rick Alan Ross, a cult expert and author of 'Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out. He added: "It's a hate group, it's neo-Nazi, it's predatory. It's an interesting hybrid."

The group's infiltration of multiple mainstream social media and gaming platforms poses a huge hazard for young people. Gone are the days of needing to meet face-to-face to be pulled into a cult, now, it can be done over Facetime, Zoom, or Skype.

"This is a problem", said Mr Ross. "How do you, as a parent, protect your children who are going to go online and go on social media? How do you monitor that? How do you protect your family?"

The FBI issued a public notice in which it urged the public to "exercise caution when posting or direct messaging personal photos, videos, and identifying information on social media, dating apps, and other online sites." They said: "Although seemingly innocuous when posted or shared, the images and videos can provide malicious actors an abundant supply of content to exploit for criminal activity."

Advancements in technology, particularly around content creation, combined with access to personal images online "present new opportunities for malicious actors to find and target minor victims", according to the FBI. They also said that being able to recognise the warning signs of self-harm will help people provide "immediate support" which could help break the victim from the grasp of the cult.

During a search of Almeida's home, authorities are said to have found hundreds of CSAM files across four different devices, along with books about O9A and Satanism, according to court documents. They also found a "blood covenant", an O9A drawing of a hooded figure surrounded by the group's symbols and smeared with what appears to be blood, the court filings state.

Federal prosecutors have also accused Almeida of trying to lure two underage girls into having sex - one of which was allegedly targeted so he could make his own CSAM, according to the indictment. His trial is set to begin on December 4, and if convicted he could face spending the rest of his life behind bars.

For emotional support, you can call the Samaritans 24-hour helpline on 116 123, email [email protected], visit a Samaritans branch in person or go to the Samaritans website. If in the United States, you can dial the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or go to

Fiona Leishman

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