Psychologist explains how to spot ADHD signs and behaviour in children

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The experts share the common signs of ADHD in children (Stock Photo) (Image: Getty Images)
The experts share the common signs of ADHD in children (Stock Photo) (Image: Getty Images)

There are an estimated 2.6 million people living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the UK. As more people become aware of the attributes and symptoms, it's becoming easier to spot in a child earlier on.

ADHD is a condition that affects people's behaviour, impacting attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, and there are common patterns that can crop up showing signs of the disorder - and it's important parents know what to look out for.

Previously being stereotypically associated with "naughty" or "disruptive" children, we now know that condition is a lot more complex. Now, two psychologist have revealed the key signs for all parents to look out for.

"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts someone's attention, their levels of hyperactivity and impulsivity," Dr Deb Thompson, consultant clinical psychologist at Cygnet Health Care, explained. "Typically when someone has ADHD, they tend to struggle with their attention, with hyperactivity and with impulsivity - although it is possible to just struggle with symptoms from one of those."

ADHD patterns don't always look the same in every child, but "every child with ADHD will probably struggle with a unique set of difficulties," explained Georgia Chronaki, senior lecturer in developmental neuroscience at the University of Central Lancashire. "[For example] one child might struggle with paying attention in class, another may struggle with managing their emotions."

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It's important to note that if one child has similar behavioural traits to your child and has had an ADHD diagnosis, it doesn't necessarily mean your child has ADHD too. Children could have very different behavioural traits, yet both have an ADHD diagnosis.

Dr Thompson further explained: "The hyperactivity and impulsivity difficulties associated with ADHD could include being unable to sit still without fidgeting, excessive restlessness, finding the quiet to be uncomfortable, difficulty engaging in tasks quietly, difficulties in turn-taking, impulsively saying or doing things without thinking through consequences, as well as a tendency not to consider the risks of behaviour."

Another sign is forgetfulness and if your child "frequently misplaces items" as well as "having difficulties remembering to do tasks" it seems as if they are easily distracted and appear to be daydreaming instead. "Imagine really wanting to pay attention to a conversation that is happening but your brain is not letting you," shared Dr Thompson.

"Imagine really wanting to focus on your homework, but your brain is not letting you. Imagine really wanting to sit and watch a TV programme, or sit and eat a meal, or sit and relax and your brain is not letting you. The world can be a very frustrating place for young people with ADHD, particularly if they do not understand why their brain works in the way it does." Because of this, it might take its toll on your child, leaving them suffering with low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

If you think any of these signs are impacting your child, or if you're concerned they are showing symptoms of ADHD, it's worth seeking professional support. Diagnoses are typically given by specialist ADHD assessment teams, and referrals tend to be made via schools or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

Niamh Kirk

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