Jockey fights for life after being crushed and stepped on by horse in scary fall

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Jockey Zack Ziegler fighting for life in hospital (Image: eyJpdiI6ImlGcWFHZC83OXgzckZHUzVnNmtFT1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTnpIeVY5SG9uS29CVm1Gc3dWQWdZNEorYmVqVzRWcFI2QVh4YjJaaE53MXJHY1BqWkM4a3FyazRhQmd1N3RiTyIsIm1hYyI6IjYzNzBiNDMwY2VjY2IzZDYyNGE3NTUyM2NjNTBlYTI1ZjQw)
Jockey Zack Ziegler fighting for life in hospital (Image: eyJpdiI6ImlGcWFHZC83OXgzckZHUzVnNmtFT1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTnpIeVY5SG9uS29CVm1Gc3dWQWdZNEorYmVqVzRWcFI2QVh4YjJaaE53MXJHY1BqWkM4a3FyazRhQmd1N3RiTyIsIm1hYyI6IjYzNzBiNDMwY2VjY2IzZDYyNGE3NTUyM2NjNTBlYTI1ZjQw)

A jockey is fighting for his life in hospital after suffering multiple serious injuries in an horrific race fall.

Zack Ziegler, 35, was riding at Columbus racetrack in Nebraska, Canada on Saturday when his mount clipped the heels of the horse in front of him.

After Ziegler hit the ground, his horse fell on top of him, rolled back over the stricken jockey as he tried to get up and then stepped on the back of his neck, according to a GoFundMe page set up to raise money towards medical costs.

“Zach has been unresponsive since the accident,” says the post from organiser Carrie Robb. “He was flown right away by helicopter from Columbus to Lincoln trauma center where a team of doctors and surgeons were awaiting his arrival.

“Zach suffered a brain bleed (which was fixed on arrival), severe bruising to the left side of his brain, bruising on the back of his brain, possible C7 fracture.”

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Ziegler, who has been put on a ventilator, also has a laceration to his right eye and possible facial fractures.

Robb went on. “He’s been on a ventilator since leaving Columbus and no real time line as to when he will actually be awake and off the ventilator.

Jockey fights for life after being crushed and stepped on by horse in scary fallZack Ziegler: seriously injured in race fall

“He has a traumatic brain injury so only time and Zach can control this healing process. His vitals are good, he has been in stable condition ever since he’s been out of surgery and in ICU.

“They did put a fiber optic probe in his brain to measure the pressure and activity to stay on top of any possible swelling.”

In a subsequent update Robb said attempts were being made to wean father of four Ziegler off the ventilator but “his pressure spiked and his heart rate as well”.

“They are going to try and wean again tomorrow morning so extra prayers or positive thoughts are sure welcome,” she said.

Jon Lees

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