All news on the topic: The Budget

Martin Lewis explains how thousands of parents can claim extra cash from April
The Money Saving Expert (MSE) website founder returned to screens this evening for ITV's Martin Lewis Money Show and this week's episode focused on the Spring Budget and how what was announced was going to affect you
Rishi Sunak to target sick in bid to fill £46billion black hole in tax plan
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has faced criticism after saying he wants to abolish National Insurance Contributions for good - even though it raises £46billion a year
'Here's why it's an election on May 2 or bust for Rishi Sunak'
As Theresa May bails out, it's clear Rishi Sunak can't wait any longer to call an election, argues Fleet Street Fox
Pensioners are biggest losers of Budget with £1,000 hit hidden in small print
Experts warned that older people will be worse off after Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's Budget, with millions facing an average £1,000 hit to their incomes because of tax changes
Jeremy Hunt refuses to tell Robert Peston how many homes he owns in TV clash
As he appeared on ITV's Peston, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt refused to answer question on how many properties he owns after announcing a Budget tax break for landlords
British ISA explained - how will it work and what the experts think about it
Jeremy Hunt explained the new British ISA would give people an extra £5,000 tax-free limit, on top of the existing £20,000 ISA allowance - here is what we know so far
Martin Lewis warning as more to be 'worse off' despite National Insurance cut
The Chancellor said the National Insurance cut would benefit around 27million workers with the average person saving £450 - however Martin Lewis says only one group will actually benefit
Jeremy Hunt loses his rag with BBC host after he's given drag queen nickname
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt got annoyed as BBC Radio 4 Today programme presenter Amol Rajan accused him of failing to do enough to turn around the economy in the Budget
Jeremy Hunt backtracks on National Insurance after he's compared to Liz Truss
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt was accused of acting like Liz Truss after he said in the Budget he wanted to scrap National Insurance altogether without saying how he'd pay for it
Struggling NHS workers slam Tory 'zombie' Budget – 'there is nothing for us'
Mum-of-two Rhian works as a nurse on an acute hospital ward and has been in the NHS for 26 years. The 45-year-old from Leeds said the real terms pay cuts are forcing nurses out
'This failing Tory government's hollow death throes budget is fooling no-one'
Jeremy Hunt tried to bribe voters by cutting national insurance again and offering a small increase in child benefit - but nobody is going to fall for this Tory con trick
Fuming campaigners demand Jeremy Hunt is banned from every pub in the country
The landlady of one formerly thriving village pub said the Budget had ended any hope of it staying open. It comes as grassroots Campaign for Pubs called Wednesday's announcements “an absolutely dreadful Budget for UK pubs”
Suella Braverman lambasts Jeremy Hunt's Budget in Tory civil war nightmare
Suella Braverman said Jeremy Hunt's Budget doesn't 'tell the British people that we're on their side and that work really pays' ahead of a brutal post-election leadership race
Rishi Sunak told to call general election now as Budget flops with voters
Keir Starmer demanded Rishi Sunak call a general election now as he accused him of being 'out of touch, out of ideas and nearly out of road' as the Budget flopped
'Budget needed much better salesman than Hunt to sound even remotely plausible'
'Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is gambling voters will swallow the sugar-rush of tax cuts and ignore the bitter taste of further public spending cuts,' the Mirror's Jason Beattie writes
'Investing in NHS, schools and high streets would breathe life back into UK'
Robert Palmer, executive director at Tax Justice UK, says Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has delivered a 'cut and run' Budget which will spell more agony for public services
Labour is ready to fight the election on the economy – the sooner the better'
Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said the public should have been given a budget offering a 'glimmer of hope' - but instead there's just more of the same from the Tories
Budget 2024 calculator - see if you'll be better or worse off after changes
The Mirror has broken down how the Budget changes announced today by Jeremy Hunt will affect your wallet, from pensioners to first-time buyers and savers
'Tories have run the UK into the ground and working people have paid the price'
TUC general secretary Paul Nowak warns that "zombie" Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has put forward a "deeply cynical" budget while public services are on their knees
'Damp squib Budget to be remembered as Chancellor signing party’s death warrant'
'The fight has gone out of Jeremy Hunt and the Tories, that lightweight Budget a wave of white flag. It’s as if the battered Conservatives are surrendering after four election wins'
All the nasty details in the small print of Jeremy Hunt's Budget speech
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt unveiled the 2024 Budget today with tax cuts and freezes to alcohol and fuel duty as he tried to drum up support for the flailing Tory party
Budget 2024 winners and losers from taxpayers to landlords and first-time buyers
After weeks of speculation, the Chancellor finally shared his fiscal plan ahead of the General Election and here we take a look at who is classed as a"winner" in today's budget and who is classed as a "loser"
Jeremy Hunt's National Insurance, alcohol and fuel cuts a 'desperate act' - live
Sir Keir Starmer branded the budget 'the last desperate act of a party that has failed' - saying the Conservatives 'give with one hand and take even more with the other'
40,000 struggling families to benefit from new measures to help those in debt
Delivering spring budget 2024, Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the Exchequer announced a slew of desperate tax cuts - including a reduction in National Insurance payments
Cigarette tax explained - new price and whether it penalises poor or save lives
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced another hike to the tobacco duty tax, meaning more costly cigarettes for smokers. The Mirror looks at why the government has been increasing the tax and examines if it actually works