All news on the topic: Terror

Wembley Stadium bans Taylor Swift fans without tickets as security is tightened
Following Vienna terror plot, Swift fans will not be able to gather outside and sing along as they have done previously
Chilling image shows a teenage Taylor Swift ’ISIS suspect’ posing with zombie knives after allegedly admitting to a suicide bomb plot
A suspected ISIS-inspired terrorist who plotted a terror attack at a Taylor Swift concert has been pictured posing with zombie knives.
US neo-Nazi terror group plans election-time resurgence
The Russia-based leader of the Base, which adheres to principles of accelerationism, seeks ‘A-team leader’ in US
Palestinian kills two people in stabbing attack in Israel
A Palestinian attacker killed two people and wounded two others in a stabbing spree in central Israel on Sunday before being shot dead by police, Israeli authorities said.
Radical preacher implicated in directing banned group
Undercover officers in the US recorded lectures by radical preacher Anjem Choudary which show he was the director of a group banned under UK terror laws, a court has heard.
Russian-Ukrainian ’terrorist’ arrested in Paris for detonating ’Mother of Satan’ bomb near airport hotel
It comes just days after French authorities foiled an ’islamist-inspired’ Olympics terror plot
Exploring the finances of the ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah terrorist empires
In May, a Russian programmer was sentenced to more than 5 years in prison in the Netherlands for creating the crypto mixer Tornado Cash.
Three men apprehended on suspicion of terrorism offenses following police raids
A group of three men has been arrested on suspicion of ‘commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism’ after four police raids in the north of England.
The FBI director has issued a serious warning about a potential terrorist attack in the US, stating that the threat level is at an unprecedented level
FBI director Christopher Wray has issued a stark warning that a ’coordinated terror attack’ could happen at a public place in the US as the terrorism threat is at an all-time high
Exploring "Terrorgram," the secretive hate group where plans for deadly attacks are allegedly made
A secretive online network full of white supremacist manifestos and bomb-making tutorials is set to be banned by the government.