All news on the topic: Student Loan Inc.

20,000 people forced to repay student loan whilst still studying due to loophole
Tax and student finance experts have called on the Government to address this "weird" loophole as the system already creates "higher taxes" for students
One million people wrongly overpaid loans last year and could be owed £1,000s
According to an investigation by Martin Lewis' Money Saving Expert website, in 2022-23 around 833,000 people repaid their student loans despite not earning enough in the tax year - so could claim money back
Is it fair students are saddled with debt until after they retire - poll
Students starting university in September will begin paying their loans back much earlier than those who previously studied. This mean they could be making repayments for nearly all of their working lives
Huge changes to student loans coming from September
We explain the three main changes to student finances those going to university from September will face and how it will impact them as they enter the workforce
Martin Lewis warns of 'extra tax' you could pay for most of your working life
The Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis and fellow host Susanna Reid discussed the changes to student finance coming in from September this year.
Number of university applications falls ahead of huge student loans shake-up
Students starting university from September 2023 will have to face new and harsher rules for student debt, which could lead to them paying back loan for most of their life