All news on the topic: Spying

Man charged with spying for China found dead in ‘unexplained’ circumstances
A former Royal Marine accused of spying on Hong Kong activists in Britain has died in unexplained circumstances in a park.
Russia gives British diplomat Adrian Coghill a week to leave Moscow
A British diplomat has been given a week to leave Russia in an escalation of a diplomatic spat over spying.
UK expels Russian defence attache over allegations of espionage for the Kremlin
The UK will expel the Russian defence attache for spying for the Kremlin, the Home Secretary has said.
AfD politician to run in European elections despite aide’s alleged spying for China
Maximilian Krah will remain German far-right party’s top choice despite accusations against Jian Guo
An aide to an AfD politician is arrested on suspicion of spying for China
Man worked as assistant to Maximilian Krah, top candidate in European parliament elections, say prosecutors
A Tory researcher has been charged with spying for China
A parliamentary aide for the Conservative Party accused of spying for China has been charged with espionage offences.