All news on the topic: Rosa Parks

Black tot forced into Rosa Parks daycare reenactment as white kid handcuffs her
A Florida day care is under scrutiny after a 2-year-old black girl was simulated being handcuffed and fingerprinted by a white peer as part of a Rosa Parks reenactment
Outrage over police force contest to name a horse after Black civil rights hero
Organisers have been forced to end a competition to rename a police horse after a civil rights hero in Bristol after campaigners, who labelled the move "divisive", launched a petition against it
'Rosie Jones is brave to use the R-word if people now realise how harmful it is'
Rosie Jones is not using the R word to disparage - she’s throwing it back at those who hurt her, a Molotov cocktail to the conscience, argues Anna Morell in her latest Dis Life column
Texas girl, 18, who was born behind bars to attend Harvard in the fall
A texas girl born in prison has defied the odds after graduating third in her class and secured a full scholarship to Harvard