All news on the topic: Olaf Scholz

Councils anticipate £1 billion shortfall in special education needs funding
High hopes of deal on top jobs dashed as heads of state and government squabble over appointments.
Who won, who lost and who cocked up in the EU election
The far right had a good night. Others not so much.
The prince, the plotters and the would-be putsch: Germany to try far-right coup gang
Ex-soldier, conspiracy theorist, astrologer and anti-vaxxer among the first of 27 people on trial for trying to violently topple the German government – led by Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss
War in Ukraine: Ukraine’s army chief reports that the situation on the eastern front has significantly deteriorated
Ukraine’s Col Gen Oleksandr Syrskyi says Russia has intensified armoured assaults as battles rages over village near Bakhmut. What we know on day 781
Putin leaking intercepted call about Brit troops was 'bad move and he will pay'
Matt Qvortrup, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Coventry University, said leaking the intercepted about Brit troops in Ukraine was 'bad chess move' by Vladimir Putin
Chief’s call about Brit 'ground' troops in Ukraine 'intercepted by Russia'
Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz's 38-minute call with German Air Force officers and a general, in which they spoke about Brit troops 'on the ground' in Ukraine, was intercepted by Russia
Vladimir Putin's Kremlin mouthpiece says Germany 'preparing for war with Russia'
Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, who is now Vladimir Putin's deputy head of the country's security council, has accused Germany of taking steps to start a war with Russia
Microsoft to invest billions expanding data centres to handle AI in Germany
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed an announcement this week by Microsoft that it would invest almost 3.3 billion euros (£2.8 billion) in Germany over the next two years to massively expand its data center capacities for applications in the field of artificial intelligence and cloud computing
US Vice-President warns AI is 'currently causing harm' in London speech
Joe Biden's deputy warned concerns about Artificial Intelligence must go beyond 'existential' fears about threats of cyber attacks or bioweapons as she laid out how the tech could harm
Rishi Sunak branded 'shameful' for no new defence plans since Putin invasion
As the Prime Minister prepares for the two-day NATO summit this week, he faces mounting criticism at home over the state of Britain’s armed forces and delays to a key Defence Command Paper
Putin suffers brutal blow as Russia 'covers up' deaths of 39 pilots and crew
Despite Putin accusing his former ally of treason and a “stab in the back”, Wagner's chief was allowed to go into exile in Belarus under a secret deal brokered by Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko
Labour wants deal for British and German troops to work together after Ukraine
Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey revealed his plans to sign a new defence concord with Berlin within weeks if Labour gets into power
NATO chief says 'dangerous world' demands 'more ambitious' defence spending
Alliance Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg outlined plans to demand more money from the coalition's 30 members - even though the vast majority of countries do not even meet the current 2% benchmark
What the current banking turmoil means for you, your mortgage and your pension
Financial authorities are now trying to prevent problems spreading throughout the global banking system and a repeat of the disastrous financial meltdown of 2008
Police told Hamburg gunman could be dangerous weeks before deadly shooting
Philipp F, 35, shot dead seven people before he was found dead after police in Hamburg, Germany, confirmed many more had been injured after an attack in a Jehovah's Witness church
Germany joins US in sending tanks to Ukraine in first weapons supply since WWII
The United States and Germany have both overcome reluctance in sending tanks to Ukraine with officials now having said that they are ready to do so although it is unclear if the decisions are linked
Brit ex-NATO chief brands Germany's refusal to send tanks toUkraine 'pathetic'
General Sir Richard Shirreff, a former NATO chief from Britain, accused Olaf Scholz' government of 'ducking its responsibilities
Zelensky pleads with western allies 'send tanks' as Germany stalls on arms move
Germany is coming under intense diplomatic pressure to allow their tanks to be transferred to the front line in the war against Russia, but will only supply tanks if the United States does the same