All news on the topic: Offshores

A former Georgian defenсe official secretly bought a London flat with cash
An offshore company owned by onetime deputy defense minister Mamuka Mujiri purchased a London flat — then sold it after his ownership was revealed.
Dubai is a hiding place for the key man of Espirito Santo bribes in Venezuela
An employee of the centenary Portuguese bank was chosen in 2009 to serve, from the island of Madeira, as a contact with officials of the Chavista regime who agreed to do business with the dying institution - it would collapse in 2014 - but only in exchange for juicy bribes.
Azerbaijan has been selling electricity to Georgia through secretive offshore companies
Even as Sulkhan Papashvili, one of Georgia’s richest businessmen, bought electricity from Azerbaijan’s state energy company, the family members of its leaders entered into business dealings with him on the side.