All news on the topic: Nintendo Wii

Tell us your favourite games console of all time - have your say & take our poll
Perhaps you were a diehard Sega fan, zipping around at breakneck speed with Sonic the Hedgehog? Or maybe you preferred the Super Nintendo with the platforming fun of Super Mario Land or beating your mate in Streetfighter II? Whatever your gaming console of all time is - we want to know!
Police ridiculed for e-fit which 'looks like a video game character'
Essex Police released an e-fit after an assault on a man in his 60s last year in Chelmsford but people were more keen on talking about the cartoonish picture than the crime itself
Jamie Laing red-faced after 'ruining Christmas' over sibling argument
Former Made In Chelsea star Jamie Laing has recalled the moment that he once ruined a family Christmas after his sister received a Nintendo Wii
Water toxicity warning as mum dies after drinking 4 water bottles in 20 minutes
Ashley Summers tragically died after drinking too much water too quickly, leading her brain to swell as she suffered from water toxicity. Experts have now explained how to avoid this happening
Sky users finally get the upgrade that will totally change how they watch TV
After over 18 months of waiting, Sky is finally ready to unleash its Live interative camera to its customers.