All news on the topic: Mel Stride MP

New plans prioritize unemployed Brits over cheap foreign workers to fill job vacancies
It comes after ministers last month increased the salary threshold for skilled worker visas to £38,700 to help cut legal migration
DWP explains which bank accounts it will check in its benefit fraud crackdown
The new measures would allow DWP investigators to check bank accounts and see whether benefit claimants are misleading them about money they have, such as savings which could make them ineligible to claim
Universal Credit claimants face benefit cuts from today under new DWP rules
Parents claiming Universal Credit had to spend between 16 and 25 hours a week either in work, with job coaches or searching for work - but this is increasing to a maximum 30 hours
Rise in work from home should help people on disability benefits, top Tory says
Charities have raised concerns over Tory welfare chief Mel Stride's planned shake-up of work capability assessments. They warn it could 'force people into work when they are not well'