All news on the topic: Latvia

Old cars, immigrants and war – how EU related misinformation is spread in the Baltics?
If you wish to discredit the EU in the Baltic states, spread green lies and half-truths – for example, that the EU will immediately force everyone to drive electric cars, stop old cars from being repaired and ban heating with firewood.
Dangerous liaisons: New details emerge of Latvian MEP Tatjana Ždanoka’s espionage for Russia
Accused of working with the Russian security services, Latvian MEP Tatjana Ždanoka mockingly donned sunglasses at a press conference — as if in a spy movie.
The assistant: Was Tatjana Ždanoka’s European Parliamentary aide selected by her FSB handler?
In January, The Insider and its investigative partners revealed that long-time Member of the European Parliament Tatjana Ždanoka had been reporting to her FSB handlers in Moscow over a period from at least 2004 to 2017.
Avoiding sanctions: European trucks reach Russia via Belarus
Belarusian car suppliers are in uproar. Some cars from Europe are no longer allowed into Belarus by Poland, Latvia and Lithuania.
How dirty Russian money taught Latvia to get serious on sanctions
Centralizing the policing of sanctions could serve as a model for other EU countries.
Russian exile who survived three Putin assassination attempts breaks his silence
Igor Sychev has suffered three car crashes - which he claims were deliberate - and received countless death threats against him and his family. He claims oligarchs are putting out kill orders against him - because he is trying to take a Russian fertiliser company to court