All news on the topic: Infosys

Firm part-owned by Rishi Sunak's wife got millions in Government contracts
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s wife Akshata Murty holds a £619million stake in Infosys, which saw an almost 50% increase in its public sector work last year, figures have releaved
'Sunak should know from PPE, there must be no VIP access for wife's family firm'
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak should have learned a lesson about perceived conflicts of interest when Tory cronies were found to be using a 'VIP lane' to award contracts during the pandemic
Top Tory accused of offering 'VIP lane' for Rishi Sunak's wife's firm in UK
A Mirror Investigation has revealed details of a meeting between a top Conservative operator and the tech company in which Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's wife Akshata has £624m in shares
Firm part owned by Rishi Sunak wife set for millions of pounds from government
Infosys, of which Akshata Murty owns around 39 million shares, has been on an “approved list” of suppliers for public sector contracts worth more than £750million in recent months
Fund set up by top Tories is huge investor in firm behind Sunak family fortune
Somerset Capital Management LLP, founded by the Business Minister Lord Johnson, owns a £105m stake in Infosys, the Indian IT firm started by Rishi Sunak's father in law, the Sunday Mirror can reveal
Firms backed by Rishi Sunak’s wife Akshata Murty went bust owing £1million tax
The out-of-touch Prime Minister last week suggested British workers should chuck in their secure jobs and be prepared to fail as he took part in event with Elon Musk
Rich list shows retail kingpin is wealthiest ever Liverpudlian after sales boom
Home Bargains magnate Tom Morris, 69, opened his first store in the Old Swan area of the city in 1976, aged just 21, and the chain now has more than 575 stores
Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty lose £500,000 a day as wealth drops to £529million
The mega-rich PM and his wife are now worth around £529 million, according to the Sunday Times Rich List. But it's been a tough year for them, as in 2022 it was estimated they had a fortune of around £730 million
Rishi Sunak's wife wears £645 Gucci heels as she hits election campaign trail
Akshata Murty wore a pair of Gucci shoes adorned with gold buckles in the shape of the designer brand's logo she posed for pictures holding a Vote Conservative sign
Rishi Sunak accused of 'lack of transparency' as wife's shares kept secret
Details of investments worth hundreds of millions of pounds that are owned by the PM's heiress wife Akshata Murty were not included on a list of ministerial interests
Rishi Sunak's wife loses £49million in one day as shares in family firm plunge
The Prime Minister’s heiress wife Akshata Murty took a hit to her vast fortune as shares in the Indian IT giant Infosys, which was co-founded by her billionaire dad, dropped in value
Sunak's wife jets off on luxury £7k-a-week holiday as shivering Brits battle on
Rishi Sunak's millionaire wife Akshata Murty took their kids to expensive beaches in India while he is under fire back home for letting energy giants make record profits