All news on the topic: Industry

Wayve’s charm offensive: How slick lobbying helped bag Europe’s biggest AI deal
New legislation gives the self-driving car firm a route to market. But the proposals nearly fell victim to Britain’s political perma-crisis.
Japanese locals warned not to touch cat after it falls into tank of chemicals
Officials believe the cat fell into a vat of hexavalent chromium - a highly acidic and carcinogenic chemical that can cause skin irritation, breathing difficulties and blindness
Nearly half of workers feel academic education did not prepare them for careers
And over eight in 10 would recommend that those just starting out in the working world pursue some additional, hands-on industry experience before doing so
Residents of UK town tormented by mystery 'humming' noise that's getting louder
Chloe Eccles is one of several residents complaining of a humming sound that she claims is getting louder in Immingham with North East Lincolnshire Council saying it has "drawn a blank" on the cause
Steel chiefs blast Tory dithering that risks foreign goods being 'dumped' on UK
The Treasury has announced a carbon border adjustment mechanism so UK manufacturing firms, including in the steel industry, are not undercut by imports from foreign firms
Scrap steel 'should stay in UK to help industry's fight against climate change'
Trade body UK Steel has published a major report calling for millions of tonnes of scrap steel to stay in the UK where it can be used boost the fight against climate change
Plan to save thousands of jobs at Britain's biggest steel plant
The latest plan aimed at saving thousands of jobs at Britain's biggest steel plant has been put forward by the Unite union and comes after a rival proposal from the Community and GMB unions
Tory steel plans 'will create national security risk' ministers told by own MP
A Conservative MP who is vice-chairwoman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Steel has raised fears of how Britain could be left relying on foreign firms for the metal it needs
Tories 'jeopardising national security' over steel furnace shutdown, say MPs
Business Minister Nusrat Ghani was hauled to Parliament for a grilling over plans to shut blast furnaces at Scunthorpe, which comes weeks after Tata announced a similar move at Port Talbot
British steelmaking facing 'lethal cliff edge' as thousands wait to hear fate
Labour frontbencher Stephen Kinnock, who chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Steel, attacked the ongoing uncertainty surrounding Britain's biggest steelworks
3,000 steelworkers in limbo as Tata shelves crunch Port Talbot announcement
The Indian giant had been due to make an announcement after a board meeting in Mumbai today, but it decided to delay revealing its redundancy plans for the South Wales site
Inflation-busting pay rise announced for 460,000 low-paid workers - see rates
The Living Wage Foundation today releases its annual rates - and the inflation-busting hike will help boost the budgets of hundreds of thousands struggling in the cost of living crisis
Top Tory attacks 'woke' bankers as he brands UK arms industry 'power for good'
Cabinet Minister Grant Shapps launched a passionate defence of the British arms industry when he addressed a fringe event at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester
Steelworkers at Tata Port Talbot hold crisis talks with 3,000 jobs on the line
Community union’s general secretary Roy Rickhuss will hold crisis talks with staff at the South Wales factory over the deal between Tata and the Tories for electric arc production
Blast furnace wind down at Tata Port Talbot to start 'within months'
Talks have taken place between company executives and unions involved at Britain's biggest steelworks, where 3,000 jobs are due to go under a switch to electric arc furnaces
Tata Steel bosses set for Port Talbot showdown with unions over 3,000 job cuts
The Mirror understands executives have flown in from India for crunch talks with unions at the plant, where thousands of workers are expected to lose their jobs
'Promises turned out to be empty words', says MP of Tata Port Talbot steel deal
Labour MP Stephen Kinnock, whose Aberavon constituency includes Port Talbot and who chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Steel, writes exclusively for the Mirror after today's announcement by Tata and the Government
Full details of job cuts as deal struck for Tata's Port Talbot steel plant
Ministers and the Indian-owned company have reached an agreement after months of negotiations, but unions are furious about the planned job losses which will hammer the community
Thousands of Port Talbot steel job losses expected in huge announcement
The Mirror understands two Cabinet ministers will visit the plant in South Wales on Friday morning to announce a £500million investment - but jobs will be lost
'Extremely disappointed and angry' union leader blasts Port Talbot steel deal
Community steelworkers’ union assistant general secretary Alasdair McDiarmid hit out at the pact which is due to be unveiled by Tata and the Government later this morning
Unions warn Rishi Sunak they will use 'all means' to protect steelworkers' jobs
Community general secretary Roy Rickhuss and GMB leader Gary Smith have written to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak over electric arc furnaces at Tata's Port Talbot plant
New job loss fears at Tata's Port Talbot steelworks as £500m deal 'edges closer'
Negotiations between Tata and the Government over taxpayer support for the plant are said to be progressing, with an announcement possibly due by the end of the week
'Don't punish British steelmakers for doing the right thing', warns Labour MP
Frontbencher Stephen Kinnock issued the plea to the Government as he addressed industry experts at the UK Metals Expo in Birmingham and outlined Labour's plan for the sector
Steelworkers march on Parliament in last-ditch bid to save 'crumbling' industry
Staff from Britain's six steelmaking firms will converge on Westminster for a rally minutes before Prime Minister's Questions
Tories 'murdered' manufacturing, says union leader amid fury at missing plan
MPs and unions today blasted the lack of an industrial strategy from the Government as fears grow about the impact on a series of firms and the wider economy