All news on the topic: Exxon Mobil Corporation

Biggest oil giants raked in £100bn last year as climate crisis intensifies
Campaign group Global Witness focused on five of the largest oil and gas producers – BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Totalenergies - and how much profit they made in 2023
Energy firms vowing to cut emissions 'will produce billions of tonnes of CO2'
Energy companies are set to produce enough oil and gas between now and 2050 that would equal 15 years' worth of the European Union's annual emissions, according to analysis by Global Witness
Cheapest and most expensive petrol stations ranked - including Tesco and Shell
Morrisons was found to be the cheapest retailer for fuel, according to the RAC Foundation, but the most expensive was Shell - you can see the full breakdown below
Esso owners raked in record £44bn last year as drivers battled soaring prices
US heavyweight Exxon Mobil’s massive haul was not only more than it has ever made before but a historic high for a Western oil company
'Pensioner's hypothermia death should shame oil giants raking in obscene profit'
As an 87-year-old lady died freezing and afraid to turn on the heating in her terraced home, energy fat cats should hang their heads in shame as they exploit the misery of millions