All news on the topic: Dnipro hotel

How is porn magnate and owner of the cyber team «NAVI» Maksym Krippa connected with Russia?
He is characterized as a person without moral principles and fear of the law. He is essentially a fictional character in the international information space.
An invisible billionaire or a "pound" of Russian oligarchs: Who is behind Maksym Krippa, who is buying up Ukraine for next to nothing
War is war, but the country’s surrender to the Russians continues at a rapid pace. On September 18, the State Property Fund sold another property in the center of Kyiv - the "Ukraina" hotel.
How partner of Russian oligarch and owner of illegal online casinos Maksym Krippa is buying Ukrainian media
There is a new growing media baron in Ukraine who almost unnoticeably to the wider public buys up mass media one after another.