All news on the topic: Disabled Britain: Doing It For Ourselves

'Good news from the land of Disabled people - and three times over in one week!'
There has been some lovely visible success for Disabled people in TV and film recently. Elsewhere, everything else is, as ever, still an unholy mess
'Disabled people 4 times more likely to die by suicide should break your heart'
There is such deep rooted systemic inequality when it comes to how Disabled people are treated in this country that this is not news to Disabled people. And it is forgettable or ignorable news to most non-disabled people
'Pay attention to which types of disabled women are represented this IWD' 
Disabled Britain guest editor and columnist for the Mirror, Rachel Charlton-Dailey, asks where are the different types of disabled women to be trotted out by corporations for International Women's Day - and not just one well-off white woman in a wheelchair?
'Burning shame as Brits from all sections of society left in Covid's crosshairs'
All Covid support has gone, but there are still shielders – disabled people who know their underlying conditions put them at too great a risk from Covid to venture out and reclaim a fully lived life now
'Coffey says "work more" - but many disabled people don’t have that option'
Thérèse Coffey is wrong that people simply need to 'work more hours' in order to boost their incomes, Disabled Britain guest editor and columnist for the Mirror, Rachel Charlton-Dailey, says
'Tories still give very cold shoulder to disabled people over pre-pay meters'
Anna Morell says a third of disabled people are living in cold homes according to data from disability charity Scope - and pre-payment meters will make the situation even worse
'We need guidelines for reporting disability or media won't be less ableist'
Rachel Charlton-Dailey, Disabled Britain guest editor and columnist for the Mirror, says media ableism happens every single day and can be seen in the use of outdated words such as 'wheelchair-bound'
'Parklife – why disabled kids don’t always have a spring in their step'
Half of all disabled kids have had difficulty accessing play equipment in local parks and almost a tenth of disabled kids are worried they’ll get hurt on equipment which isn’t made with accessibility in mind
'Disabled people deserve to be able to find books about us easily in bookshops'
Rachel Charlton-Dailey, Disabled Britain guest editor and columnist for the Mirror, says the book-writing world is a horrendously hard space to access as a disabled woman
'Tories spending small fortune making poor disabled people live in penury'
Anna Morell asks when will the Tories begin to listen and stop the bone-exposing cuts that are leading to actual loss of life, as the Government spends a small fortune on trying to deliberately put poor disabled people back in their box
'Putting the "men" in 'menopause' at the expense of disability rights'
Disability Rights UK campaigner Anna Morell argues that women are not getting a fair deal when it comes to taking time off during the menopause
'North East has most disabled people but is ignored into extinction by Tories'
South Shields lost out in its bid for the second round of the Tory government's Levelling Up funding, but the North East was also revealed to have the highest proportion of disabled people in the country
'Labour's plan for disabled people is the same as Tories - to push us into work'
Both Tories and Labour politicians are pledging to get disabled people back into work, but what about those of us who can’t work?