All news on the topic: Artificial intelligence (AI)

UK regulator to examine $4bn Amazon investment in AI startup Anthropic
Move is the latest of a string of CMA investigations into technology tie-ups
OpenAI sitting on tool to watermark AI-generated content
OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has developed a text watermarking tool that could help it comply with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, but the company has yet to release it, reportedly because it fears losing users.
UK shelves £1.3bn of funding for technology and AI projects
Britain’s first next-generation supercomputer, planned by Tories, in doubt after Labour government move
Europe’s €10 trillion gamble
From Athens to Berlin, governments are coalescing around an idea to turbocharge the economy. If successful, it could be transformative ― but it’s a big if.
Ireland’s data centers now consume more electricity than all urban homes combined
Statistics raise concerns that rise in demand for data processing driven by AI could derail climate targets