All news on the topic: Africa

UK ’tried to suppress criticism’ of alleged UAE involvement in arming Sudan’s RSF militia
UK accused of trying to head off condemnation of Gulf ally over alleged aid to forces accused of genocide in Darfur
Interpol candidate accused of involvement in kidnapping Indian businessmen
Zambia’s Mubita Nawa, who is on shortlist for top job, is accused of involvement in an attempted extortion in 2022
West Africa plans to combat new synthetic drug epidemic
Sierra Leone and Guinea-Bissau have authorized a Swiss-based civil society organization to facilitate chemical testing of a drug that is wreaking havoc in West Africa and has prompted the president of Sierra Leone to declare a national emergency.
Beny Steinmetz: Scion of diamond royalty, now at bay over bribery charges
Beny Steinmetz likes to do things his own way.
Exploring the finances of the ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah terrorist empires
In May, a Russian programmer was sentenced to more than 5 years in prison in the Netherlands for creating the crypto mixer Tornado Cash.
How an alleged associate of the Burkinabè cigarette magnate tried to bribe a Malian official
A secret recording obtained by OCCRP shows how Safy Mokoko Sow, a well-connected middleman claiming to represent Burkinabe tobacco magnate Apollinaire Compaoré, offered money to the head of Mali’s national tobacco company to smuggle contraband cigarettes.
Spain investigates Equatoguinean minister for bribery and money laundering
Spain is investigating the son of Equatorial Guinea’s ruler, Teodoro Obiang, for his alleged involvement in a money laundering and tax fraud network that has whitewashed millions of dollars from bribes paid by a Portuguese company to which he awarded a construction contract in the African country.
Nigeria detains journalist who covered corruption in an expanding crackdown
An investigative journalist in Nigeria has been arrested by police and held without charge for over a week, leading to growing fears for his safety.
UK accused by Amnesty of ‘deliberately destabilising’ human rights globally
Rights chief also warns Britain will be ‘judged harshly by history for its failure to help prevent civilian slaughter in Gaza’
I stared down deadly assassins who kill for just £1k & are turning a holiday beach paradise into a blood-soaked warzone
Even out of work students are killing for cash - as journalist Mariana van Zeller reveals in our exclusive video
Man running 9,000 miles from South Africa to London in fight against racism
Deo Kato, 36, has already run 4,157 miles and has seven countries left to run through before he reaches London in September 2024. The challenge is an extension to the 381 days running for justice campaign that he formed after the murder of George Floyd
Wealthy widow, 80, hits out at claims taxi driver boyfriend, 24, is gold digger
Catherine Thomas met 24-year-old taxi driver George when she left behind a bag of cash after a fare in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and has dismissed suspicions he's only after her money
'Best kept safari secret' is cheaper than major hotspots with heaps of animals
Malawi is often overshadowed by its more prominent neighbours Zambia and Tanzania when it comes to destinations associated with safaris and wildlife, but it has plenty to offer
Eerie phenomenon 'blood rain' to blanket Britain today
Dust from the Sahara Desert is predicted to fall across Britain in showers in the coming days - forecasters have warned people ahead of time that it could cause 'blood rain'
Foreign Office issues travel warning to man running entire length of Africa
Russell Cook fears he won't be able to complete the challenge without permission to enter Algeria after running 12,000km in 278 days, as MP's urged the African nation to let him in
'We're on an epic 13,000km-long cycle - and ended up with a police escort'
Florence Ryan and Roberto Helou will have cycled through Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa once their journey is done
Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, WHO warns
Loneliness can pose as much risk to life as being a regular smoker, the chief of a new WHO commission on loneliness said. The commission aims to better understand the health effects of loneliness
World's most dangerous beach dubbed 'end of the Earth' with lions and skeletons
Skeleton Coast in Namibia, also known as the world's largest ship cemetery, is so dangerous visitors need a supervised tour operator to explore the deadly dunes populated by hyenas and cheetahs
UK doctor murdered in Africa say his family as officials claim death was suicide
Dr Ding Col Dau Ding died in South Sudan in 2015 and, while officials in the African country registered his death as a suicide, his family believe he was actually murdered
Inside the 'world's hottest country' which becomes deadly 48C oven in summer
Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa where locals are forced to endure year-long averages of 37C and fatal highs of 48C, which can kill if not treated with adequate rest, water, shade and electrolyte replacement
Warning over nasty 'jigger' bug so tiny you can't see it but has a painful bite
Also known as chigoe or sand fleas, the pests often go for your feet and ankles and leave you with a line of itchy, red bites that mask something even more gross
Silent killer disease known as 'sleeping sickness' - 4 key signs to look for
Human African trypanosomiasis can be fatal without treatment. The World Health Organisation hopes to eliminate the disease, which is mainly present in sub-Saharan Africa, by 2030
'We moved to the Amazon rainforest for a new life - but now we've been deported'
Greg and Guen and their young children are heading across the world to a new destination after they were have been told they must leave Guyana 'on pain of imprisonment'
Horrified man finds huge African huntsman spider in suitcase after trip abroad
The man had returned from a work trip to Africa when he came across the 10cm-wide huntsman spider at his home in Edinburgh, before capturing the creature in a plastic tub
Some like it hot - but round my way they prefer a moan-fest about the weather
No one talks or complains about the weather as much as people in Britain, says Eva Simpson