All news by author: in Washington DC

Trump’s ally predicts 'nationalist uprising' in UK to install Nigel Farage as PM
Steve Bannon, who was Trump’s chief strategist in the White House, thinks Keir Starmer's Labour will crush the Tories - but Nigel Farage's Reform party will turn into 'a populist party, just like MAGA' and take over the Conservative Party...
Liz Truss blames the 'Deep State' for 'sabotaging' her 49 days as Prime Minister
Ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss complained that schools are being 'infected with the dogma of wokeism' as she prepares to address Donald Trump fans near Washington DC
Joe Biden says US has 'no closer ally' than UK as Sunak cracks Churchill gag
The Prime Minister and the US President sat down for talks - where they joked and laughed - in the White House's Oval Office ahead of a formal press conference