All news by author: William Telford

Desperate appeal as 450-year-old pub's famous bench stolen from front door
The Minerva, Plymouth's oldest pub, is hoping someone will return their beloved bench which went missing on Saturday morning. Landlady Rosa Abel said she is hoping to offer a "token gesture" to anyone who brings their bench back
Plymouth bomb residents 'traumatised' as gardens trashed after device disposal
Residents have been left with an extensive cleaning job potentially costing thousands - after their homes and gardens were trashed during the Keyham bomb removal
Trees cut down in bid to 'stop people having sex in public' but locals are angry
Plymouth City Council - which came under furious criticism earlier this year for felling mature trees - has cut down palm trees over claims they were attracting lurid late-night antics
UK's 'lost' airport could reopen after being closed for more than a decade
Plans are in place to re-open Plymouth's mothballed airport as leader Richard Bingley aims to start a “public/private” partnership, with cross-party backing for a new airport on the disused site