All news by author: Wes Streeting

'NHS dentistry is rotting and in decay after 13 years of Tory neglect'
The Tories may be happy to wave goodbye to the vital public service of NHS dentistry, writes Shadow Healthy Secretary Wes Streeting, but Labour won’t let that happen.
'AI could save NHS - but our billionaire PM is clueless about value of wages'
At the AI summit, Rishi Sunak was too busy lining up his next job with Elon Musk to mention the NHS while doctors and nurses are working with one hand tied behind their backs
'Now no one can deny Keir Starmer has the steel to pull off mission impossible'
After our 2019 defeat, Labour was a shipwreck - but Keir has made the party seaworthy again, writes Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting
Wes Streeting describes struggle coming out, first love and getting cancer at 38
Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting is releasing a new book at the end of June - Pride month - and in it he shares his experiences of coming out only after he started at Cambridge University
Inside Wes Streeting's childhood as MP opens up about poverty, crime and abuse
In the exclusive first extracts of his book One Boy, Two Bills and a Fry-Up, Labour rising star Wes Streeting tells how overcoming challenges of a deprived council estate has shaped his politics today