All news by author: Tom Kershaw

'Delusional' man claimed to be MI6 agent as he tried to get into major spy base
Christian Sollitt, 44, claimed he was an "MI6 agent" and wanted access to a high security spy base in Yorkshire. However, he was busted by police and was handed a 18-month community order
Locals from 'UK's most beautiful village' say what they really think about title
Runswick Bay is one of the most charming seaside towns in the country and noted for its stunning views. But locals say its popularity brings a number of challenges
British tourist moans 'too many Spanish people' ruined her Benidorm holiday
Freda Jackson said she 'cried' at the end of her two-week trip to the popular holiday destination, and said Spanish people should go somewhere else for their holidays
Toddler infected with TB-like virus after being bitten by iguana on holiday
The youngster was sitting on a beach in Costa Rica eating cake when the iguana ran up and bit her on the back of her left-hand before snatching the dessert