All news by author: Ros Wynne Jones

Fury at Tories' ban on future migrant care workers bringing own children to UK
The care sector has more than 152,000 unfilled roles and the NHS has an estimated 126,000 vacancies, including 43,000 in nursing, and it's feared new migrant rules will only worsened the issue
'We must end to period poverty now to give women the respect they deserve'
Women have spoken of their struggles with period poverty during the cost of living crisis, as some described having to skip buying tampons to afford food for their children
Traumatised hospital workers on strike over unpaid Covid bonus for risking lives
Porters, cleaners, switchboard operators and cooks are striking over an unpaid "Covid bonus" that they say they are owed for risking their lives during the pandemic at hospitals in the Midlands
'My dad was tortured for four years...being told my career was over was a gift'
Greek's former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, who appeared nightly on British television news during 2015, has spoken of his country's turmoil caused by pressure from Brussels
Child asked her mum 'horrific' question after she lost her business and partner
Lowri is just one of the Brits now using foodbanks, as research by the Trussell Trust shows they're often used by people who are carers, who are disabled, are single parents or are in insecure work
Met to investigate 'cover up' to protect vice cop who sexually abused daughter
Marina Narayan endured horrific sexual abuse at the hands of her foster father who was a police officer - but even after her claims were investigated three times she is still hunting for justice
'We're still fighting the Conservatives for our right to strike 40 years on'
There are painful parallels with 1984 as spiteful Tory anti-trade union legislation culminates in the new Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act, which could mean some workers losing their jobs for striking
Modern-day Schindler has helped rescue 2,000 kids from Calais people smugglers
A man who overcame struggles in the infamous Calais 'jungle' and went on to help rescue 2,000 child refugees from people smugglers has been dubbed a modern-day Oscar Schindler
Mum's life destroyed in minutes after son killed as she backs knife ban
Yemi Hughes’ son Andre Aderemi was murdered in 2016, aged 19, and she is now campaigning to put an end knife crime and is urged the Government to take action now
'A 'Waspi woman' dies every 13 minutes waiting for justice - we need action now'
Campaign group The Women Against State Pension Inequality campaign reports that more than 260,000 women affected by state pension age changes have died since their fight for justice began
Idris Elba's passionate knife crime plea - 'together we must end this horror'
Luther star Idris Elba has launched the new Don't Stop Your Future campaign in the Mirror and released a new track as he calls on funding for youth services and calls for a ban on zombie knives
'Many people are stranded high on a mountain of debt after Christmas'
As families struggle to pay their bills, particularly over the Christmas period, Matthew and his 250 colleagues at Money Wellness are now hearing from a staggering 1,000 people a day
'Kids Company founder tried to glue a broken society back together with love'
Ros Wynne-Jones bids farewell to Camila Batmanghelidjh, who died on New Year's Day, whose charity Kids Company used pioneering psychotherapeutic methods that still inform youth violence work today.
Meet the refugee teens using their pain to help lost children
The three youngsters, who created an app that could support unaccompanied refugee children, have been rewarded been awarded the world’s most prestigious youth prize - The International ­Children’s Peace Prize
'I was a chef in the army - now my condition means I can't hold a cup of tea'
Lorraine Martins and her two children among 11,000 families being supported by Family Action this Christmas
'Refugees just seek normality and safety - I did when I fled civil war for UK'
Twenty-four years ago Sabir Zazai arrived to Britain in the back of a lorry after an arduous journey from war-torn Afghanistan - now the refugee champion hopes to keep the spirit of sanctuary alive
Ambulance worker who couldn't get to emergency for 3 hours says they must strike
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said the “right to strike has to be balanced with the right of the British public to be able to go about their lives without suffering completely undue disruption”
'We can't fix grandma and grandad but we can try to fix the world for our kids'
Magen’s beloved parents Bilha and Yakovi Inon were murdered in the early hours of the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. He is one of the extraordinary people behind the Together for Humanity mass vigil that takes place in London this Sunday
'We let in 750,000 migrants but won't take boy, 6, needing urgent medical help'
The Mirror travelled to Calais to speak to the families in northern France facing starvation, dwindling medical supplies and more as they desperately try to cross the Channel to Britain
Disabled people are 'living in fear' and talk of more cuts is 'terrifying'
Once again, the Government is trialling brutal disability cuts - this time, as a way of paying for vote-winning tax cuts in 2024, but the vulnerable will suffer badly
Brenda proves women can turn their lives around after being released from prison
Following a fight in a nightclub after her sister was violently attacked, Brenda saw her hopes of becoming a childminder go up in smoke as she ended up in prison, her life falling apart in front of her
'Many more lives could have been saved had Covid inquiry been held sooner'
For the bereaved families, the last few days of evidence have been harrowing - these horrifying revelations have been the equivalent of a political Partygate
'I live in fear - if the DWP makes a mistake, they will demand the money back'
The cost of living crisis is already making life unmanageable, but thousands on low incomes face eye-watering monthly deductions, to correct errors made by government officials
Inside Mirror's most iconic images showing the contribution of migrants to UK
Conference-goers and the general public were able to visit 35 portraits at the Museum of Liverpool from our People Move Instagram project to celebrate 100 extraordinary people
'Labour's Keir Starmer has never looked more like the leader of this country'
'With jacket off, and sleeves rolled up, Keir Starmer looked so ready for the job of rebuilding Britain, that no-one would have been surprised if he brought out a trowel'