All news by author: Mark Waghorn

World's biggest shark megalodon was wiped out because it was too slow
The huge and powerful marine monster would have been outcompeted for resources by smaller and nimbler rivals. Evidence comes from its tiny placoid scales - the first discovery of its kind
Penguins are the fastest swimming birds in the world - thanks to their wings
Gentoos occupy Antarctica, Argentina and the Falkland Islands. They are mostly black from head-to-tail except for a stark-white front - and distinctive bill and white eye patches
Deadly liver disease hides in a third of adults and is dubbed 'human foie gras'
Cases of metabolic associated fatty liver disease have more than doubled in 30 years with cutting down on processed meats, pizza, and cakes the only way to battle back
Parkinson's 'timebomb' may see thousands get disease due to once common chemical
A once common chemical used in dry cleaning, and currently used in metal cleaning and degreasing, has been linked to an increased prevalence of Parkinson's a new study has warned
Aliens could listen in to Earth with predicted first human contact made by 2029
Aliens listening in on spacecraft signals will be able to send responses thanks to radio wave transmissions sent to interstellar NASA probes, according to hopeful scientists
Supermassive black hole lurking at edge of universe one of biggest ever detected
The supermassive black hole contains over a billion solar masses worth of interstellar dust and lies at the centre of an extreme galaxy and dates back over 13 billion years
Pigeons are so smart their brains can rival Artificial Intelligence, experts say
A new study has discovered pigeons are one of the smartest creatures on the planet after some of the birds solved complex tests after memorising scenarios, according to experts
Gigantic meteorite with oldest material in solar system unearthed in Antarctica
The meteorite measures 17lb, but cosmic treasure was easy to find as its black composition contrasted starkly against the snow white ground. Antarctica provides ideal preservation conditions for the object
Laser made by scientists to spot signs of aliens living on other planets
Top scientists in the US have developed a new laser tailored to NASA space missions to detect signs of extraterrestrial life on other planets without compromising activity