All news by author: John Stevens

Send in your questions for Keir Starmer, the man who could be our next PM
What do you want you to ask Keir Starmer, the man who could be our next Prime Minister? The Labour leader will respond to the best questions we receive from Mirror readers
Return of Cool Britannia as Damien Hirst joins stars backing Labour arts plan
Artist Damien Hirst, who was a free school meals kid, will argue that culture should be 'not just for the rich by the rich' as he endorses Labour's plan to widen access
Tories ramp up spending on Facebook ads by 1,200% fuelling May election fever
Voters in marginal seats are being bombarded with videos of their local Tory candidates every time they log onto Facebook amid growing speculation about a May election
Boris Johnson pals tell Rishi Sunak 'it's over' as 9 more Tory MPs could defect
Supporters of Boris Johnson have launched a fresh bid to oust Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after MP Lee Anderson joined Reform UK, the party founded by Nigel Farage
More gas power stations will be built to avoid blackouts when it is not windy
Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho said Britain needed a back-up for when the weather 'doesn’t power up our renewables', but Labour accused the Tories of failing to cut bills
'Three party Lee looked like he had second thoughts - maybe he'll change again'
As Lee Anderson walked out on stage to be unveiled as Reform UK’s first ever MP, the Conservative Party's ex-Deputy Chairman looked as if he was having second thoughts
Tory Minister says photos should be 'honest' amid Kate Middleton fakery row
Security Minister Tom Tugendhat suggested it was important images were not misleading after a picture of the Princess of Wales and her children was pulled by agencies
Keir Starmer warns it's 'immoral' many kids don't get chance to learn instrument
Labour leader Keir Starmer will reiterate his call for every child to have the chance to play a musical instrument as he visits a school in the East of England on Monday
Voters demand a general election now as Rishi Sunak dithers over May poll
The British public have warned that it would be unacceptable for Rishi Sunak to put off a general election until January, amid speculation he could set the date within days
Lee Rigby's widow calls on politicians to stop fuelling anti-Muslim hate
Rebecca Rigby, whose soldier husband was murdered in a terror attack in Woolwich in 2013, has signed a joint letter calling for an end to hatred towards Muslims
Mothers begin hunger strike outside Parliament as they demand free school meals
The group of six women, who have published a Mothers Manifesto, want to draw attention to parents across the country who are skipping meals to feed their children
British troops to help get food into Gaza by sea as babies starve to death
The UK will join allies in establishing a maritime corridor to deliver aid directly into Gaza after Joe Biden announced the American military will build a temporary port
Theresa May announces she's quitting as MP as she shares verdict on Tory chances
The former Prime Minister said she will not be re-standing in Maidenhead, which she has represented for 27 years, as she joins an exodus of Tory MPs ahead of the election
Rishi Sunak gives three-word clue to when the general election will be
The PM fuelled rumours he could call an early election this lunchtime when he failed to deny that he was secretly plotting a vote in May during an interview on BBC Radio 2
Jeremy Hunt refuses to tell Robert Peston how many homes he owns in TV clash
As he appeared on ITV's Peston, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt refused to answer question on how many properties he owns after announcing a Budget tax break for landlords
Jeremy Hunt loses his rag with BBC host after he's given drag queen nickname
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt got annoyed as BBC Radio 4 Today programme presenter Amol Rajan accused him of failing to do enough to turn around the economy in the Budget
Rishi Sunak told to call general election now as Budget flops with voters
Keir Starmer demanded Rishi Sunak call a general election now as he accused him of being 'out of touch, out of ideas and nearly out of road' as the Budget flopped
Jeremy Hunt told teachers and NHS staff will quit if austerity used for tax cuts
As the Chancellor considers imposing cuts to pay for tax giveaways in the Budget, a TUC poll of public sector workers found almost 40% are considering leaving their professions
Teaching assistant's desperate Budget plea as schools falling apart without cash
James Wilton, 32, who works at a special needs school in Leeds, warned that Jeremy Hunt 'does not have a clue' as it was warned the Chancellor could make cuts in the Budget
Family finances doing much worse under Tories than when Labour was in power
Ahead of the Budget, figures show that household incomes have risen significantly slower under the Conservatives than when Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were in No10
Tory MP who warned of 'no go' zones in London and Birmingham quits
Paul Scully, who faced a backlash after he made the remarks about Tower Hamlets and Sparkhill last week, has announced he will step down at the next general election
Rishi Sunak vows to take on 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak held a press conference outside No10 Downing Street where he said 'our democracy itself is a target' by an increase in extremism on UK streets
George Galloway vows to wreck Labour's bid for power with rival candidates
Controversial left-wing firebrand George Galloway threatened to stand candidates against Labour in up to 50 seats across the country after he won the Rochdale by-election
Angela Rayner accuses Tories of underestimating North as she makes economy vow
Labour’s Angela Rayner will pledge to give communities the power to make decisions on skills training, housing and planning as she speaks at the Convention of the North
Jeremy Hunt's plan to axe cost of living help 'will push kids into poverty'
90 MPs and peers have written to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to urge him to extend the Household Support Fund in next week's Budget as it is due to come to an end next month