Conman told pensioners sister was dying of cancer in fake charity bid for cash

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Jonathan Sterry targeted elderly people in a spate of frauds (Image: Media Wales)
Jonathan Sterry targeted elderly people in a spate of frauds (Image: Media Wales)

A fraudster deceitfully told vulnerable pensioners he was taking part in a cross-country run for charity and his sister was dying from cancer - to swindle money off them.

Jonathan Sterry, 41, conned strangers after knocking on their doors with his fabricated tale. A court heard today Sterry, who has 22 previous convictions, including 12 previous offences of fraud and 33 offences of theft, left his victims startled and upset.

One 74-year-old man, who found Sterry inside his property, said he now "feels like a prisoner in his own home" and struggles to sleep. His personal impact statement was read at Cardiff Crown Court, where Sterry was jailed today for two years. He pleaded guilty to five counts of fraud/attempted fraud and possession of an object in use of fraud.

Recorder of Cardiff Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke said: "People give to charity to help those who are genuinely in need. You used people's good nature and charitable interests to obtain money for yourself." Giving a third discount for his guilty plea, the judge sentenced Sterry to two years imprisonment and made him subject to a restraining order for five years, Wales Online reports.

When the 74-year-old man was confronted in the property in Caerphilly, south Wales, Sterry claimed he was "doing a sponsorship" before leaving. The police attended and the defendant was found nearby, having ripped up a paper document which was later found to be a sponsorship form containing a list of names, addresses and amounts of money.

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Martha Smith-Higgins, prosecuting, said £25 was also found in his possession. It was discovered he had targeted other residents in the street, who were all elderly and vulnerable. He approached the first victim around 2pm and told her he was "doing a charity run for cancer". They discussed sponsorship and he recorded her details but she didn't provide any money upfront.

He told the second victim he was doing a cross country run for charity, but the victim said he was not interested, but he saw Sterry approaching another property. The defendant told the third victim he was collecting money for his sister who had stomach cancer, but was told by the victim she wouldn't be giving him a donation and shut the door.

Sterry told the fourth victim he was doing a cross-country run for cancer research and asked him to sponsor him. He approached the fifth victim while she was in her front garden, and told her he was collecting for charity as his "sister was dying from stomach cancer". He told her others had donated £20 and she gave him her details and two £5 notes.

During his police interview, Sterry, of Caerphilly, admitted creating a false sponsorship form and the £25 he was found in possession of was from collecting. He later pleaded guilty to five counts of fraud/attempted fraud and possession of an object in use of fraud.

In a victim personal statement read to the court, the man who found Sterry inside his home said: "I live on my own and this has startled me. I feel like a prisoner in my own home. Since this happened I always lock the door now. The street is a quiet area and I've never had the need to do so in the day. In the night I'm constantly thinking about this incident and after every noise I wake up thinking someone is breaking into my property. I have thought of ways to protect myself in bed, my sleep pattern is all over the place and I find it difficult to go back to sleep. I've never felt unsafe in my own home but this incident has completely changed the way I go about my day-to-day business."

In mitigation, Julia Cox said her client had recently been released from custody at the time of the offence and was homeless. She said he suffers from schizophrenia and has been sectioned on a number of occasions. The barrister added that since the defendant has been on remand in custody, he has used his time in prison constructively.

Philip Dewey

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