WWE SummerSlam live results and updates as Money in the Bank cash-in stuns fans

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Roman Reigns and Jey Uso are ready for
Roman Reigns and Jey Uso are ready for 'Tribal Combat' (Image: WWE)

Roman Reigns puts not only his world title but his position as Tribal Chief on the line at WWE SummerSlam tonight.

The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion will square off with his own blood when he faces his cousin Jey Uso in 'Tribal Combat' in Detroit, Michigan.

Social media sensation Logan Paul will look to go viral when he clashes with high flying daredevil Ricochet.

Thousands of fans at the Ford Field stadium will also witness what should be hard hitting battles between Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes; and Intercontinental Champion Gunther and Drew McIntyre.

And they'll see what could be Ronda Rousey's last match in WWE, as she takes on former best friend Shayna Baszler in an 'MMA rules' contest.

Hulk Hogan health update amid claims WWE icon 'can't feel legs' after surgery qhidqhidexihtinvHulk Hogan health update amid claims WWE icon 'can't feel legs' after surgery

Our man Neil Docking will deliver all the action as it happens - and that’s the bottom line, because Mirror Sport said so!

Goodnight wrestling fans

SummerSlam 2023 is over, with a shocking conclusion to proceedings. Who had Jimmy Uso turning on Jey Uso in their predictions?

Once again, Roman Reigns has found a way to retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship - the third successful defence he has made at SummerSlam in a row.

Overall, it was a good show, which started like a house on fire, then flagged a little, only to bounce back with some clear standout moments.

Logan Paul vs Ricochet was a breathtaking opening bout, followed by Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar putting on an epic battle. The post-match endorsement of the American Nightmare by the defeated Lesnar was a stunning sight.

Fans obviously loved LA Knight winning the battle royal, but their energy was seemingly sapped by the MMA rules encounter between Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler, which just didn't resonate with the audience in Detroit.

Fortunately both Gunther vs Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins against Finn Balor were engaging contests, the former an extremely physical affair and the latter featuring some great wrestling.

The women's triple threat match had its peaks and troughs, but the closing stages were gripping and Iyo Sky's Money in the Bank cash-in will live long in the memory. I'll definitely be watching that back when I wake up tomorrow!

Thanks as always for following all my updates - good night!

Jimmy vs Jey, brother vs brother

Jey groans and moans "no" in the ring as Michael Cole voices his disgust on commentary. "There can be no explanation," says Cole.

For me, the pace of that match was too slow for my liking - with long rest periods between moves, it took a long time to kick into third gear.

But again, Reigns and his wider family have told a story with a fascinating finish. So, Jey versus Jimmy, brother vs brother. The next chapter in The Bloodline saga!

Jimmy Uso betrays Jey as Reigns retains the title!

Back in the ring, Sikoa slams Jey, then sets him up for the spike/spear double team attack he and Reigns have made their trademark.

Roman goes for the spear, but Jey dodges and pulls Sikoa into the spear. He then hits one of his own... for a close near fall!

Jey uses a steel chair to batter both his brother and his cousin, first smacking it across their backs, and then driving it into the stomach of the champ. The crowd roar.

Sikoa recovers on the outside and floors Jey with a hook kick to the face from behind a ring post.

Reigns puts out an outstretched arm to Solo, who doesn't take his hand, and argues with him, allowing Jey to capitalise by spearing Roman through a barricade! Solo obviously hasn't forgiven his cousin for that inadvertent spear...

Solo looks to put Jey through an announce table, just as he did to injure his brother Jimmy, but it's Jey who drives him through the table with a splash!

Back in the ring he floors Roman and puts him through the table with an uso splash... then goes for the pin, but a masked and hooded man drags him out of the ring. It's Jimmy Uso!

"What the hell did you do?!" yells Michael Cole. "Why?!"

Jimmy has betrayed his brother! "F*** you Jimmy" rings out in the Ford Field stadium.

Jimmy superkicks Jey. Reigns looks confused but spears Jey through the table in the ring and gets the pin! Roman Reigns retains the title.

Samoan Drop through a table!

The crowd boo as Reigns goes in search of a table, which he slides into the ring.

He props it up in the corner and when Jey charges at him for a spear perhaps, lifts him onto his shoulders, and places him on the other side of the ropes, on the ring apron, where a table sits below.

Jey blocks punches and tries to spring off the ropes back into the ring, but is sucker punched. Yet when Roman charges at him, he kicks him in the head, then hoists his cousin up on his shoulders and Samoan drops him through the table on the outside!

Jey collects a leather strap and whips Roman with it, then pursues him through the crowd, dishing out a beating.

He lifts Reigns onto his shoulders, but Solo Sikoa is here! His little brother, who has sided with Roman in this Bloodline feud.

Sikoa puts Jey through a table with an uranage slam. He then drags his lifeless body back towards the ring, under the instruction of his cousin.

Powerbomb on steel chairs

Jey collects a steel chair and beats his cousin with it, before throwing around half a dozen more chairs into the middle of the ring.

He goes up to the second rope with the champ, looking perhaps to superplex him onto the chairs, but a headbutt drops Jey.

A step-up enziguri catches Roman, and Jey climbs again, now at the very top rope. But Reigns slips underneath him and powerbombs him onto steel chairs! Jey just kicks out.

Kendo sticks

Jey fights back and stuns Roman with a kick. But the wily champ collects a kendo stick and meets a suicide dive attempt with a wicked blow to the head.

He continues to thrash Jey with the stick, as the challenger yelps in pain. Reigns lifts "little Jey" up by the head using the weapon, then looks to use it like a baseball bat, swinging and missing as Jey replies with right hands.

Clotheslines in the corner by Reigns end that comeback, as he savours the moment, then 'locks and loads' for a Superman punch.

Jey fires back with a kendo stick to the gut, then splinters it with repeated hits, before sending the champ over the top rope, and crashing into him with a somersault dive to the outside!

Jey has gained the upperhand, but not for long. He jumps off the top turnbuckle into a Superman punch, and narrowly escapes a pinfall by kickout.

Jey jumps over a spear, hits a superkick and then a frog splash, but now Roman kicks out!

"Who sucks now?"

A typical slow pace in the opening stages to this match, as Reigns who often sets this pace and Jey feel each other out and test their respective strength.

Reigns powers out of a side headlock and knocks Jey to the mat, barking at the crowd: "Who sucks now?"

He follows up with a knee to the jaw then goes for a backdrop, only for Jey to respond with a series of punches, a superkick, then a suicide dive through the ropes after Roman fell to the outside.

The crowd are chanting for tables and Jey looks to oblige, going in search of weapons from under the ring. But after he finds some hardware, Roman intervenes.

Back in the ring the Tribal Chief takes control. Loud "Uso" chants ring out, as Reigns tells the crowd to simmer down.

He nails his cousin with a Drive-By dropkick, then goes for a pin, but only registers a two count.

The longest entrance in WWE history?

Undertaker eat your heart out - this has got to be one of the longest entrances in WWE history from Roman Reigns!

After what feels like a lifetime, the Tribal Chief accompanied by his 'Wise Man' Paul Heyman finally reaches the ring, gets on the mic and demands the crowd acknowledge him. I timed that at just over five minutes. It felt longer haha.

So what is Tribal Combat? Well, from what I can gather, there's no rules. So let's see how this one pans out.

Before the match begins, Roman approaches Jey and says that if his cousin beats him, he will give the red necklace to him, not the ref, and not Heyman. He will do it personally.

Main Event Jey ready for the main event

Here we go, it's time for the main event. Jey Uso challenging Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship AND the position of Tribal Chief... in 'Tribal Combat'.

The challenger emerges first, to a huge ovation. He's wearing all white, and a white version of the red Samoan 'ula fala necklace that the champion Roman wears.

Main Event Jey is so over in Detroit!

What a moment

That match took a while to warm up - some of the action felt a little off and maybe fatigue was setting in among the crowd in Detroit, but that was an incredible finish.

Firstly, brilliant selling of her injuries by Belair - she had the world thinking she was hurt for real. I think WWE should have saved the 450 onto a Figure Eight for the finish in a title victory, but an astonishing spot nonetheless.

After that, the actual finish of the first match was very clever, and then the cash-in by Sky was one of the best in MITB history. And then the celebration shared by all of Damage CTRL was full of emotion. The moment of the night so far.

Iyo Sky cashes in Money in the Bank and steals the title!

Iyo Sky is here! Miss Money in the Bank! Her music hits and she charges to the ring with Damage CTRL team-mate Bayley, who hit Flair and Asuka in the face with her companion's briefcase.

Sky hits the ring and whacks the back of Belair's injured knee with the briefcase. She is cashing in the MITB contract! Moonsault off the top rope! She gets the pin and wins the title!

Wild scenes ensue - here's her injured stablemate Dakota Kai to join the celebrations! Sky is loving this!

Bianca Belair wins the title!

Belair returns to the ring and goes up top as Flair has the Figure Eight locked in and looks set to make Asuka tap out.

450 splash by Belair onto the bridged Flair! Wow! That was spectacular! But Charlotte kicks out! How and why? Surely that should be a finish?!

Belair goes for a KOD on Charlotte, who arm drags her towards the ropes, where Asuka is knocked off the apron to the outside.

Flair now goes for the Figure Four Leglock on the injured leg of Bianca.

She bridges into a Figure Eight. Flair looks set to win... but Asuka crawls into the ring and sprays mist in Charlotte's face!

Belair while still in the Figure Eight rolls up Asuka and wins the title! Blimey!

Bianca Belair injured?

Flair has both women down and goes up top. She lands her moonsault on both of them, in another near fall.

She is growing frustrated and tries a double Figure Eight, but gets nowhere.

She dumps Belair over the top rope onto the steel steps. There is a loud bang and Bianca lets out a scream and looks genuinely hurt. It's not clear whether she caught her knee or in fact her arm or face when she hit the steel, but that appeared nasty.

Officials run to her help, while Flair tries a backslide pin on Asuka. The champ kicks out. Flair and Asuka go up top and Flair hits a superplex on Asuka for a two count.

Belair is helped down the walkway by WWE officials, as the other two women trade strikes until Charlotte hits a spear. Asuka kicks out.

Moonsaults aplenty

Asuka drags Bianca out of the ring by her ponytail and lays into Flair.

Belair returns and takes out both women. She kips up and shoulder tackles Flair in the corner.

Backbreaker to Asuka by Belair, a spinebuster to Flair, then a running moonsault on both women, who both get their knees up.

Asuka Lock by the champion on Flair. Bianca with a standing moonsault breaks the hold.

Asuka knocks Belair off the top turnbuckle, then Flair does the same to her. She climbs up, presumably looking for her trademark moonsault to the outside, but gets none of Bianca and gets kicked in the head by Asuka.

Asuka throws her in the ring and dives off the top rope hitting a DDT, but Bianca breaks up the subsequent pin.

Belair lifts Asuka on her shoulders, but the champion reaches the ropes to prevent a KOD.

Asuka Lock around the ropes, but Flair kicks her in the head. Charlotte is lifted up by Bianca, counters KOD, goes for a big boot, but is planted face first.

Asuka returns, dispatches Belair, and applies an armbar. Flair rises up, lifting the champ,but can't sustain it. Sitout powerbomb by Bianca on Flair, only to then be grabbed in an Asuka Lock. Charlotte stacks both women up for a pin, but they kick out.

Triple threat match for the WWE Women's Championship

It's time for the triple threat match for the WWE Women's Championship, pitting the champion Asuka against her longtime nemesis Charlotte Flair and the woman she took the belt from, Bianca Belair.

Asuka and Belair go at it from the bell, with Charlotte then showing her acrobatic ability with handstands in the ring and taking down Bianca.

Asuka drags Charlotte to the outside. Belair dives on both women.

Knee to the face by Asuka on Belair. Flair interrupts any pin attempt with a kick.

The champion hits a German suplex on Flair. This all looks a little too choreographed at present, but some sharp kicks from Asuka on both women break that up.

Charlotte also receives a German suplex, as Asuka in white and purple facepaint takes control of the match.

Vertical suplex by Belair countered into a roll-up pin for a two count. Both women get back to their feet and Flair takes them down with a flying crossbody. The timing is a little off and they have to wait to take the attack.

Flair stacks both women in the corner with suplexes, does a kip up, then seemingly stops to fix something with her attire, before a handspring attack.

Double Natural Selection by the 14-time world champion, but both opponents survive.

Seth Rollins retains the World Heavyweight Championship

A frustrated Priest slides the briefcase onto the mat and heads to the other side of the ring seemingly to distract the ref so Balor can use it.

However, as Finn crawls across the ring to grab it, just as he reaches his target Seth gives him a stomp on the briefcase and gets the pin!

Rollins has retained the World Heavyweight Championship.

That was a very impressive bout - the timing of so much of the action was nothing short of impeccable. I thought Balor was going to emerge victorious, but Rollins lives to fight another day. That was by far the best match I've seen between the pair in WWE.

Judgment Day invade

Senor Money in the Bank, Damian Priest, Balor's team-mate in the Judgment Day, is here, clutching his MITB briefcase. Balor sends Seth flying towards the ropes over the crouched referee and Priest whacks him in the head!

Pedigree by Balor! Yet Rollins kicks out at two and three quarters! Great near fall!

Here's Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio from the Judgment Day. They distract the ref and Priest offers Balor the briefcase to hit Seth.

Balor declines and says it's "Plan A". Rollins takes advantage of the situation and hits a Curb Stomp on the distracted Finn, but the challenger kicks out!

Rollins deals with Mysterio at ringside with a flying crossbody, but now Finn capitalises on the confusion. But Seth kicks out of a Coup de Grace!

Buckle bomb into the barricade!

World Heavyweight Championship match

After a video package recapping their long rivalry, Finn Balor looks determined as he heads to the ring to challenge Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Rollins is wearing the exact ring vest he wore when he injured Balor at SummerSlam seven years ago - the night Finn became the inaugural Universal Champion, only to have to relinquish the belt almost immediately.

That was thanks to a Rollins buckle bomb into a barricade that dislocated his shoulder. Seth tugs at his vest and mocks the Irishman as he approaches the ring, saying he's not forgotten.

Balor too clearly hasn't let that memory fade, as he has "seven" inked on the shoulder his foe injured. Before the bell rings, he tears into Rollins.

Gunther retains the IC title by defeating Drew McIntyre

"This is awesome" chants ring out. Drew is back to his feet and he looks angry.

He lifts up Gunther, who he puts on his back and takes to the corner, lifting him up onto the turnbuckle and chopping his chest as he does.

Gunther kicks out of a Claymore!

More savage chops from both men, before a neckbreaker by McIntyre.

Huge dropkick by Gunther after he dodges a Claymore. McIntyre responds with a Futureshock DDT. This is heating up now.

Gunther heads outside to avoid a Claymore, then a massive Undertaker-style somersault plancha by McIntyre to the outside!

Back in the ring, Gunther meets a Claymore attempt with another massive dropkick. Near fall!

Frog splash by Gunther off the top rope. You don't see many of them! But Drew kicks out on two and a half.

Gunther is mocking Drew, shouting: "Come on Drew!" Not sure that's the best idea. It isn't. McIntyre catches a chop and offers one of his own.

"Wooos" from the crowd in honour of Ric Flair as they trade chops.

McIntyre runs the ropes and hits a Claymore! Gunther kicks out! He's survived the big Scot's finisher!

Intercontinental Championship match

This should be brutal - Drew McIntyre one on one with IC Champion Gunther for the first time!

McIntyre makes his entrance, holding a sword aloft, and looking fired up. Then Gunther makes a slow and methodical walk to the ring.

Graves says this could be like something out of Robocop. Cole comments it will be physical and "not for the weak of heart". That's what we like to hear.

In the opening stages it is exactly that. Clubbing blows are traded by both men before McIntyre sends the Austrian champion to the outside following a Glasgow Kiss headbutt.

They brawl near steel steps, which Drew is laid upon as Gunther gains the upperhand. Back in the ring, "battle axe" chops from the champion make you wince.

The two men then exchange a series of huge clotheslines and chops, before McIntyre takes a German suplex, only to storm back up and reply with a big lariat.

Shayna Baszler defeats Ronda Rousey

The crowd is flat here, with some negative chants, but it's been a decent match-up so far. Nevertheless, the fans seem restless.

Baszler lifts Rousey up and takes her to the ropes, where they both spill over to the outside.

Back in the ring, Ronda rants about the rules, as the ref and officials check on Baszler. Rousey shouts this is MMA rules and gets rid of the officials herself.

Both women trade punches. Baszler goes for the Kirifuda Clutch submission. Ronda rolls through and looks for an armbar.

Shayna blocks it and counters into an ankle lock. Some good wrestling here. Rousey counters into a rear naked choke.

Baszler throws Rousey off to escape. Ronda goes for a knee strike and misses, and Shayna locks in the Kirifuda Clutch, and chokes out Rousey! A technical submission victory for the Queen of Spades!

That was a decent match, but the crowd were not having a bit of it. Shame. The MMA rules type bout seldom seems to work for a WWE audience, but it just doesn't help that Rousey is so unpopular.

If that is Ronda's last match in WWE, her pro wrestling run has ended with something of a damp squib. But she put her friend over big time by passing out to her submission.

Ronda Rousey vs Shayna Baszler

It's time for this heated 'MMA rules' match between former best friends Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler.

Ronda gets some boos as she makes her entrance. Cole points out she has never been submitted in WWE as Shayna, who looks to change that fact tonight, hits the ring.

Both women look like they mean business. Both have heavy dark make up around their eyes and stare a hole through each other as the ref explains the rules.

Both women grapple for superiority in the early stages of this match. Rousey wants to get an armbar, but Shayna rolls out of it.

They separate and again stare each other down. There are no ropes breaks in this match and no count outs.

Both women exchange stinging kicks to the leg. The Baszler kicks Rousey in the head and sends her out of the ring!

Graves says Ronda has "spaghetti legs" and Rousey sells the blow accordingly. Now Baszler goes for the submission, targeting Rousey's leg, but they both punch their way to their feet.

Jumping knee to Shayna's nose by Rousey. Ouch!

LA Knight wins the Battle Royal!

Reed gets rid of Gable. Then Knight eliminates the big man by leveraging him out, in a very similar fashion to how he who shall not be named eliminated the Big Show in the 2004 Royal Rumble.

Sheamus with a Brogue Kick eliminates Styles, who earlier dispatched Kross with a Pele kick. We're down to Knight and Sheamus!

"L-A-KNIGHT-YEAH!" The crowd join in as he hits his elbow, then looks for his finisher, Blunt Force Trauma.

He eats a nasty looking knee from Sheamus, slips out of the Celtic Cross, sends Sheamus over the top rope but he lands on the apron.

The Irishman goes up top, and is sent flying to the middle of the ring with a belly to belly suplex!

LA Knight eliminates Sheamus with a clothesline over the top rope! Cole calls it, "LA Knight has arrived!"

Finally the fan favourite has got a big win. Could this be the launch pad for his WWE career?

LA Knight yeah!

LA Knight takes the fight to Omos, the crowd cheering his every move, until he is downed with a big boot.

Everyone tackles Omos, including Sheamus, who is still in the match as he didn't go over the top rope. My bad.

The whole collection of wrestlers in the ring combine to eliminate the Nigerian Giant. Omos has left the building!

Rolling stunner by Waller, helped by a Bone Crushing Finale by The Miz, on Knight.

Miz thinks he's got rid of Knight, but Knight survives by landing on the apron, returns and eliminates him. Then Sheamus eliminates Waller. LA Knight is flying!

Omos runs amok

Apollo Crews is eliminated early doors. Omos lifts JD McDonagh high above his head and sends him packing too. Rick Boogs tries to topple the big man and meets the same fate.

Butch clambers on the back of Omos and his Brawling Brutes partner Sheamus also helps team up on Omos, with about six others.

They all club the giant on the ropes, but he fires back and clothesline Sheamus off the apron to the outside. I think that's him eliminated.

Otis has gone, but Chad Gable survives, for now. He suplexes Giovanni Vinci out of the ring and a Viking Raider - Erik I think - out of his boots.

Tomasso Ciampa helps eliminate Erik and Ivar too had fell. Ciampa gets rid of his recent rival Shinsuke Nakamura, but is then dumped out by his other nemesis, Bronson Reed.

Theory eliminates Holland. Theory also ditches Cameron Grimes out of the ring. But the US Champ is eliminated by Santos Escobar! However, the LWO man loses out too at the hands of Karrion Kross.

Omos throws out two men, Butch and Matt Riddle. He then plants Gable with a chokeslam. He is running amok.

Slim Jim SummerSlam Battle Royal 25-man battle royal

It's time for the Slim Jim SummerSlam Battle Royal 25-man battle royal. The ring is already packed full as The Miz makes his entrance.

Next out is LA Knight, to a huge pop. Talk about popular. The roof just came off the Ford Field, as Corey Graves comments.

AJ Styles is next to walk the long walk to the ring, after another loud pop for the Phenomenal One.

Omos is introduced by MVP as the winner in waiting as he strides to the ring, but the rest of the stars don't wait for his arrival and get to scrapping.

Lesnar raises Rhodes' arm in victory!

Post-match, Brock removes his gloves. He and Rhodes stare each other down. They go head to head, nose to nose.

Brock shakes hands with Cody. He raises his arm in victory three or four times and shakes his hand again. Cody grins.

Wow, Lesnar has put Rhodes over in a fashion you very rarely see, and not ever from Brock.

Cody Rhodes defeats Brock Lesnar!

Cody slips out of an F-5 and shoves Brock into the exposed turnbuckle. Then he goes for the Kimura Lock! He's trying to beat the Beast Incaranate with his own submission hold!

Lesnar breaks it by lifting his rival and smashing him down to the canvas.

Both men get to their feet. Cody slips out of an F-5 again and hits a Cross Rhodes! And another! He lifts Brock and hits a third!

1, 2, 3! Cody Rhodes has defeated Brock Lesnar! David has beat Goliath!

That was some match, the best of their series.

Neil Docking

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