Simple display mistake could cost Blue Badge holders £1,000 but it can be fixed

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Blue Badge holders face a £1,000 fine if they don
Blue Badge holders face a £1,000 fine if they don't keep up to date on 'misuse' rules. (Image: Reach plc)

Blue Badge holders risk being hit by a £1,000 fine if they leave it on display when they no longer need it - or if they ‘misuse’ it.

The Blue Badge enables people with disability or health condition that impacts their ability to walk to park closer to places they want to go. Any Blue Badge holder, whether driver or passenger, can park in accessible parking bays. However, some examples of Blue Badge misuse can lead to prosecution as they are classed as a crime. These include displaying the piece of plastic in such a way that the details on the front aren’t readable or creating a copy of the badge, which can all be classed as misuse.

The Department of Transport guidance says: “It is a criminal offence for you or anyone else to misuse the badge. Doing so could lead to a £1,000 fine and confiscation of the badge.”

Examples of what may count as misuse include:

Local Authorities have the right to investigate individuals who they believe are misusing their badge, or allowing others to misuse their badge. If you are found guilty of misuse, your badge could be withdrawn - the Local Authority has the right to refuse any future badge applications, the Daily Record reports.

How to display your badge correctly

The easiest and quickest issue to fix is making sure you’re displaying the badge properly. At the top of the badge in a yellow banner on either side, it says 'front' and 'back' - the 'back' side shows your picture, expiry date, badge number and full name and should not be visible through the windscreen.

If your vehicle has no dashboard, it should still be displayed somewhere it is clearly read. If your badge becomes unreadable through wear and tear, return the badge to your Local Authority so that they can issue you with a new one.

Returning your Blue Badge

You must return a badge to your Local Authority if:

A Blue Badge costs up to £10 in England, £20 in Scotland, and is free in Wales. They are valid for three years - find out whether you qualify and how to apply for one here.

Linda Howard

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