UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be told

26 July 2023 , 11:26
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UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be told

UFOs are seen so much by fighter pilots their existence is an "open secret" in the US Air Force, a whistleblower is set to tell Congress.

Three high ranking Air Force and intelligence are set to testify about Unidentified Flying Objects to lawmakers in Washington DC.

Lieutenant Ryan Graves, a former F-18 pilot, is expected to say his squadron often detected strange flying crafts while stations off the coast of Virginia in 2014.

Lt Graves will say he and his men saw these crafts with their own eyes and it happened so much that, "over time, UAP sightings became an open secret among our aircrew."

In one incident, two jets had to swerve to avoid hitting something that looked like a "dark gray cube inside of a clear sphere," which stood "motionless against the wind."

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UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be toldOne od the infamous UFOs is the so-called 'Tic-Tac' UFO (https://www.facebook.com/groups/unexplainedufosightings/permalink/2974369776112664/)
UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be toldUFOs like this have reportedly been seen several times (https://www.facebook.com/groups/unexplainedufosightings/permalink/2974369776112664/)

US Navy veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor will also give testimony. He was witness to the 2004 Nimitz 'Tic Tac' UFO.

He previously told Russian-American YouTuber and MIT researcher Lex Fridman: "This is not like we saw it and it was gone or I saw lights in the sky and it's gone – we watched this thing on a crystal clear day with four trained observers."

UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be toldCommander David Fravor claims his squad would often see UFOs

Air Force and intelligence agency veteran David Grusch will also testify under oath. His claims of an illegal UFO crash retrieval program were made public in June.

The House Oversight Committee hearing is set for 10 am ET on July 26.

Committee member Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn) said: "The Pentagon and Washington bureaucrats have kept this information hidden for decades, and we’re finally going to shed some light on it.

UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be toldMany warn world leaders to take UFO sightings seriously - like this one captured by fighter pilots

"We’re bringing in credible witnesses who can provide public testimony because the American people deserve the truth. We’re done with the cover-ups."

He has claimed actors within the US government have tried to undermine efforts to expose UFO findings.

"It's gonna be the biggest show in town, though," he said.

There is also concern about extraterrestrial threats.

Mr Grusch has previously claimed some of the "non-human intelligence" discovered didn't want the best for humanity and had even killed some.

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UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be toldA famous 2015 UFO encounter

He served 14 years in the Air Force and went on to work for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

In interviews he says US and other nations are in a top-secret '80-year arms race' to weaponise the technology found in the crashed UFOs.

He argues: "The existence of complex historical programs involving the coordinated retrieval and study of exotic materials, dating back to the early 20th century, should no longer remain a secret."

UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be toldThe Navy prefers to call the objects seen in the videos 'unexplained aerial phenomena' (UAP)

Another committee member, Republican Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) said: "The status quo on the part of the US government has been to leave the American public in the dark regarding information about UAPs, refuse to answer questions posed by whistleblowers, avoid the concerns Americans have about the possible threats UAPs pose to our national security and public safety, and default to extreme and unnecessary over-classification.

UFOs 'open secret' in military and seen all the time historic hearing to be toldAir Force and intelligence agency veteran David Grusch

"If the last few months have taught me anything, it is that this is an issue that matters to Americans.

"It also impacts the transparency and accountability our government is supposed to grant to the people who it serves. I look forward to bringing this topic to light."

Charlie Jones

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