'My skin is falling off, my fingerprints are gone and my husband can't touch me'

20 July 2023 , 16:35
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Nerys Phillips pictured before her life was destroyed by a skin condition (Image: Kennedy News and Media)
Nerys Phillips pictured before her life was destroyed by a skin condition (Image: Kennedy News and Media)

While most people might joke about the stress that a meeting with their parents can bring, it is no laughing matter for Nerys Phillips.

Whenever she sees her mum, she breaks out in horrendous full-body rashes that she says feel like she is being submerged in boiling water.

Over the years, her skin has become so painful and swollen that she is no longer able to be intimate with her husband, and she has been forced to carry around a mini vacuum to tidy up her flaking skin.

The mum-of-four claims it is all down to a topical steroid withdrawal after battling excruciating eczema for 20 years.

Nerys Phillips quit using the creams in March 2023 after suffering from 'red sleeve syndrome' - also know as steroid addiction syndrome. Even coming into contact with everyday items such as car keys or tomatoes can see her break out into a red rash.

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The ex-account manager says her family has been forced to rely on takeaway meals this year, as her hands hurt so much she can't even hold a knife steady to prepare meals.

'My skin is falling off, my fingerprints are gone and my husband can't touch me'Each morning, the mum has to hoover up her shedding skin (Kennedy News and Media)
'My skin is falling off, my fingerprints are gone and my husband can't touch me'Nerys can no longer bear for her husband to touch her (Kennedy News and Media)

And she is even unable to use her iPhone's facial recognition or fingerprint touch ID, as the condition has drastically changed her appearance and wiped all the skin off her fingertips, leaving her looking 'disgusting'.

Nerys, from Harray, Orkney, Scotland, said: "I think it's stress that caused me to flare up around my mum. If you put yourself in a stressful situation you do have a big fat flare, I've had to just laugh it off.

"I can manage at home, but not out and about. The main thing has been the pain. It's like my hands and arms are in a kettle of boiling water.

"The skin sheds everywhere. It's disgusting. It's revolting actually. I tried to do touch ID, I thought it was broken but I looked and my fingerprints aren't there anymore.

"I couldn't do face ID because it wouldn't recognise me, I'm like a shadow of myself. I can't look in the mirror, I look disgusting.

"Some days I wake up and I'm all swollen and red and blotchy. But it's not even about that, it's how I feel. It's the pain. I've been prescribed painkillers and antihistamines. Nothing touches it, I'm not getting any relief.

"My relationship with my husband is out of the window completely as I'm quite gross. Last year he thought I was dying because he didn't know what was wrong with me.

"It had been better since we found out it was TSW [topical steroid withdrawal], but I've had no relationship with him since January. We don't share a bed because we can't. We can't hold hands or hug, it would really hurt. We can't have any physical contact.

"I'm lucky my husband is a good man and standing by me, but it has really pushed the boundaries." Each morning, the grandma of four wakes up at 5am to dust where she has slept.

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'My skin is falling off, my fingerprints are gone and my husband can't touch me'She breaks out in a rash when stressed (Kennedy News and Media)
'My skin is falling off, my fingerprints are gone and my husband can't touch me'Her skin is flaking so much that she carries a mini vacuum round with her (Kennedy News and Media)

She is unable to get a good night's kip due to the constant itching and feeling cold all the time. Unable to carry out a normal daily routine, Nerys says simple tasks such as driving or making dinner for her kids is too dangerous or difficult.

Nerys said: "I wake up at 5am because I can't sleep anymore. I dust myself down and it's like icing sugar everywhere. I clean myself up and then change the bedding, the washing machine is on constantly.

"I look gross, I feel gross, I am gross. Cooking is really difficult. I can't do that as my hands are a mess, I can't chop things like meat up.

"My kids have had more takeaways since I've been poorly than they've ever had in their life. I can't drive. It's unsafe because I'm in too much pain and I can't turn my head properly."

The full-time mum had an allergen test in January which she says showed she is allergic to dust mites and chromium - which is in tomatoes and on car keys and on car door handles. "These make my skin flare up, so I can't go anywhere, I'm housebound", she added.

By going public with her health ordeal, Nerys is hoping to raise awareness of using topical steroids and how the condition can be preventable. She now swears by coconut oil and cod liver oil to help calm her scaly skin.

Nerys said: "Something has got to change. Dermatologists need to look at alternative methods. These creams are totally dangerous.

"What has happened to me was preventable, but they don't tell you at all. All they do is say 'be careful because it might thin the skin', but that's the least of my problems.

"I'd say to anyone with eczema just try to treat it naturally, find out what your allergens are and use natural remedies. Do not use steroid cream ever. Looking back I could have treated it with natural remedies like sea salt baths.

"I've found natural things like coconut oil and cod liver oil are really good too. Topical steroids are a quick fix but the damage that it can cause is horrific."

What is a topical steroid withdrawal?

According to the NHS, if you stop using topical corticosteroids after using them continuously for a long time (usually over 12 months in adults), you may have a withdrawal reaction. These can sometimes be severe.

Withdrawal side effects can include: redness or changes in skin colour, burning, stinging, itching or peeling of the skin, or oozing, open sores. A flare up of the skin condition you were treating

If you’ve been using topical corticosteroids for a long time, it’s a good idea to ask your doctor to review your treatment.

Eleanor Wood Bowyer

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